So I'm having an issue with terrain/vegetation generation. To start, I was messing around in my skyrim folders a lot, so it very well may be my own fault. How it started is this:
I have installed a lot of mods to skyrim, and I don't use a mod manager, I just do manual installs. So at some point I installed the monster mod and monster wars mods, but it caused a ton of issues so I uninstalled it and loaded a fresh save. But after this the game would just CTD as soon as I started it, and it took me a couple weeks to realize it was because one of the .esp files for the mod hadn't been deleted. So after I deleted that the game started up and loaded fine, but before I realized this I spent a lot of time messing around and deleting/adding different files to the skyrim folder to try to get it to work. I didn't think this had caused any problems at first, and once I finally fixed the mod issue the game loaded up fine, but then as soon as I walked outside of skyrim I realized there was a huge problem. Practically none of the vegetation and other features loaded up, so the ground and the game in general looks completely bare. It's as if the game is treating the area I'm in as a distant area, and doesn't load the details to save processing power. To be clear on a few things, I am using the combined texture pack. Also, any ingredient-based vegetation (deathbells, etc.) still load properly, it's just the grass and non-interactive plants that are missing. I don't know if such a thing exists, but is there a file/executable that codes for terrain/vegetation generation that I might have accidentally deleted? This is the only thing I can think of. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!