Game standstill at Winterhold Hold

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:56 pm

In the quest REUNIFICATION OF SKYRIM after meeting with General Tullius and given orders to meet Legate Rikke at Winterhold Hold. You go over to check in, and Legate Rikke just starts conversation with something to report. My dialog responses are Why do you fight for the Empire. And What will it take to end the war. No responses to continue from there. The arrow tag stays above her head and basically the game is at a standstill from there. Is there any way around and continue?

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Lily Something
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:00 am

1. 'Down' Rikke two times. That means hurting her until she drops down to her knees. The other Imperials will start attacking you, and you'll have to kill them.

2. When Rikke stands up from being downed the second time, make a run for it. Make sure she follows you.

3. Run towards an enemy. It can be a snow wolf or troll or whatever. It doesn't matter. Make sure she engages in combat with said enemy and then SPRINT. Sprint as far away as you can. Then, fast travel to Riften.

4. In Riften, clear your bounty. To do this quickly, just pickpocket someone, take their cash or whatever and then pay off your bounty.

5. Return to the Imperal camp. Rikke will not be back yet. Sleep for a couple of hours.

6. Go to her hut, talk to her and presto. There's the command.

Other solutions: reinstall the game data, load a previous save...

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:29 pm

Grandpa! Long time, no see!

Mark, geesh, does that work? How was that discovered? This was one of the many bugs I never got but I know a lot of people did.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:03 am

I found it on the net, seems to work for many people, i had no such problem guess i was lucky... :tops:

btw i am not a :D

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Beth Belcher
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