After the update 1.9, the bug with Aela the Huntress as a bride was not resolved. Another bug is, when the protagonist is transformed in werewolf, ps3 going in crash.
After the update 1.9, the bug with Aela the Huntress as a bride was not resolved. Another bug is, when the protagonist is transformed in werewolf, ps3 going in crash.
If you are using a save you had the problem with before the patch came out it will not be fixed.
Patches can usually only stop the bug happening, they tend not to correct an existing bugged save so your options would be to load a save from before you tried to get her married or restart with a new character.
There was a time when games ran great.
Then there was a time when games were released broken because the developers could patch the bugs later.
And now we have reached a time in which games are released broken and the patches can't be trusted because they mess up the games even more.
And now a new generation of consoles is about to be released ...
An end of an era.... new times, new technology, new businesses ahead of us now.. whether for better or worse, will remain to be seen.
Over all the games I have played on PS3 (Some 90+) I think only 3 have had major issues and 2 of these were sorted within months, can you guess which one took over a year?.....
I'm looking foreward to PS4 and have a console on pre-order as have many on my friends list.