does anybody know the animation event string for this?
Maybe I should take a second look through the idle manager, but maybe someone here knows?
I believe it's a combination of 'staggerStart' and havoc that tells them which direction to go in.
I was unable to simply call an animation to make them stagger a direction, unfortunately. But maybe you'll have more luck if that's what you're trying to do.
No, its a specific animation not a stagger. Here are some of the related events from the master behavior file:
Check the idle manager as well.
Well, they worked, thanks!
the left and right bumps actually rotate the player's camera by 90 degrees though, which is kind of awkward.
In case anyone was curious
Wow, thanks Zartar! I may have to go back and redo my scene with these instead! Currently my NPCs just flop about wildly when the 'violent event' happens. It would be awesome if they actually stumbled.
Morionic, what did you use to call the animation? Just
He sent an to the reference's behavior graph.