Name: Fallout New Vegas Save Manager (NVSM)
Author: MacrosBlackD
Version: 1.4
Date: 11/04/2010
Category: Utility
Allows the user to manage multiple New Vegas save game 'profiles'.
Saves are copied to "%AppData%\New Vegas Save Manager\Profiles\
Additional profiles are stored there as well.
When you create a new profile or switch to an existing one, the saves in the FalloutNV\Saves\ folder are moved to the current profile's directory and the saves from the new profile are copied over to the FalloutNV\Saves\ directory.
Changing the Launch button's executable:
1. Hold CTRL then click the launch button.
Fallout New Vegas
.NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile
1. Extract files from the archive to any location you want.
1. Run the application
2. The first time the application runs it will create a backup of the FalloutNV\Saves folder at FalloutNV\Saves_Backup, move all your saves into their own profile based on character name and then select the first profile in the list
3. Select the profile you wish to use and click 'Load Profile'
4. You can use 'New Profile' to create a new profile with the name you type in.
5. You can use 'Delete Profile' to delete a profile - NOTE: This will delete any saves that are contained within that profile.
6. You can use 'Open Profiles' to navigate directly to the profile location on your harddrive.
6. You can use 'Launch' to run an exe or bat file (FalloutNVLauncher.exe; MaximizedWindowFN.exe; no_stutter.bat; etc).
1. Delete files associated with NVSM
2. Delete files located at '%appdata%\New Vegas Save Manager\'
3. Delete files located at '%appdata%\..\Local\FNV_Save_Manager\'
1.4 11/04/2010 - Fixed the launch button so that it will work with no_stutter and MaximizedWindowNV executables (it should work with anything now at this point but please let me know if it doesn't);
- Changed the character preview logic so that the current profile will pull from the FalloutNV/Saves location rather than the profile folder;
- First launch of the application will now create a backup of the saves folder under FalloutNV/Saves_Backup;
- Changed the first launch logic so that it will now automaticaly select the first profile in the list (this should also fix the issue where a profile could potentially collect all the saves erroneously);
1.3 10/27/2010 - Added character information from the latest save of the currently selected profile;
- Added a launch button | It will prompt you to set an executable the first time you click it, you can reset this by holding CTRL while clicking the button;
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the application from starting if you had renamed the save files from version 1.0 back to their original values in the profile location;
1.2 10/27/2010 - Added screenshot from the latest save of the currently selected profile;
- Added a custom error message box that will include the stack trace for easier bug fixes;
- Added a button that will open the file system location where the profiles are stored;
- Changed the behavior of the the initial run so that all saves are sorted into their own profile based on the character name, previously it would pick the first save file, get the name, and create a profile with that name and copy all the files to that profile;
- Added a few more null checks and other constraints to prevent errors;
- Added in support for upgrading the user.config file. No more losing current profile if you upgrade to the latest version

- Fixed a bug that would let you create a new profile with no name or with a name that already exists;
1.1 10/27/2010 - Fixed a bug that readded the file extension onto the save files;
1.0 10/26/2010 - Initial release;
- Backup/Restore profiles - Still need to think of how to implement this so its useful.
- whatever else I, or others, can think of

Or via the nexus forums as MacrosBlackD
Bethesda & Obsidian for creating the epic world of Fallout New Vegas
zuffdaddy for noticing the bug regarding multiple file extensions
Tools Used:
Visual Studio 2010 Professional