In Oblivion the highest ranking Dremora were called Valkynaz while the highest you could summon were called Markynaz (the spell was called Dremora Lord as was their station)
In Skyrim the highest rank of Dremora you can find is called Valynaz and the rank of the "summon Dremora Lord" spell is also Valynaz.
So is it just a misspelling on Bethesda's part of Valkynaz-Valynaz, and even then why is the "Lord" rank now higher? Markynaz are encounterable in-game but they are not used as the Lord Summon.
I don't know if the Lord in Morrowind had a Dremora rank-name or not but if he does which game's lore does it follow?
Just wondering. -a lowly servant of our Lord Dagon