[NEW RELZ] Duke Patrick's Savvy Save

Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:23 am

Duke Patrick's Savvy Save
version 1.0
SKSE needed.
Get it here:


This is a Skyrim port of my popular Oblivion Safe Save mod. It is designed to produce INTELLIGENT save points!
Now you will not lose an hour or more of important game play because you were so immersed in the game you forgot to save!
READ THE READ ME FILE and follow the directions (it is relatively a very small file). I am slow to answer questions that are detailed in the read me file. And I only answer questions about the mod that are posted in my threads here on the forums.
Description of what the mod does
The mod monitors your combat and other types of game progress and calculates a Save Score based on how hard the fight was, how much you exerted yourself, how much your stats have evolved, how much content you have experienced and many other factors. Once you reach the Save Score of 1000 pts or more the mod will make a save of your game under one of eight* savegames files titled "Savvy Save". But it will ONLY do so when it is most likely safe to do so unlike other types of autosaves. This SAFE Autosave will be delayed if the game conditions could corrupt the file or result in a "moment of imminent death" save.
Some of the factors that will delay the auto save are:
Active combat
Player incapacitated
Near traps (20 feet or less)
Player health is too low.
Once these states (and other similar states) clear then the autosave is made.
The calculation logic to accomplish all this is clever but simple, so the mod is not 100% full proof. But this mod was made as a personal mod just to patch this irritating issue in my game with Autosaves.
Thus this mod is offered AS IS for the most part.
This mod does NO polling at all, all script detections and calculations are activated efficiently using events. The logic of the functions are clever and un-complicated resulting in low overhead. For example I check all the following conditions with only one simple player function call:
In Killmove
In dialogue with another actor
Knocked down and/or Knocked out
Movement controls locked
Trapped in a gap or in-between collision boxes
Trapped in a corner by a follower
In then Havok system
Stuck in an idle animation
and many many more ....all that is checked with one simple function, the mod checks to see if the player is walking or running forward! If the actor is not able to walk or run and actually traveling some distance this means the actor is suffering from one of many possible issues that would make it a bad time to try to autosave.
I devised this little but powerful trick in my Oblivion mod because there were many "bad" control and animation states that just could not be detected directly. And this proved to work very well.
Naturally that is not the only check the mod runs to insure a safe and intelligent save. But that illustrates the unusual script design I created for this mod.
There is only one main script that runs on a player alias and 2 tiny script fragments on the quest.
List of events that are tracked by this mod
Locations Discovered
Dungeons Cleared
Hours Slept
Hours Waiting
Skill Increases
Skill Books Read
Training Sessions
Quests Completed
Misc Objectives Completed
Questlines Completed
Chests Looted
Spells Learned
Dragon Souls Collected
Words Of Power Learned
Words Of Power Unlocked
Shouts Learned
Shouts Unlocked
Shouts Mastered
Magic Items Made
Weapons Improved
Weapons Made
Armor Improved
Armor Made
Potions Mixed
Pockets Picked
Locks Picked
Poisons Mixed
Each time your Gold coin holdings have gone up.
Each time you successfully harvested.
Each time you travel about 60 feet while indoors.
Each time you travel about 400 feet while outdoors.
Each time you travel thru a game load door.
Each target Killed.
Each time you kill a target that does not detect you.
(This is great for hunters or for players that love to get sniper death shots!)
The mod also tracks your use of Stamina, Magicka and Health to help in anolyzing when it is time to make a save based on how difficult the in game combat or other activities were.
Please Note:
Some of this mods settings are not player settable such as when you find new locations. Finding a NEW location increases the Save Score 1000 pts, and this cannot be set by the player. This is because most players would set this to 1000 pts anyway, but setting this up in the mod to be player adjustable is more work than the results are worth. If this mod is used by enough players and there is a large demand to make more of the settings player adjustable I may consider it then.
* Save File convention
Each time the mod makes a Savvy Save it will be numbered with an index.
Each time the index gets to a player set limit a Savvy Super Save file is made and the index is set back to 1 This means you will only ever have a few of Savvy Saves in your save folder but you will still have unlimited Savvy Super Saves.
B1gBadDaddy for help with setting up the Story Manager kill event.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:24 am

I don't normally use autosaves, but may well make an exception with this :smile:

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Ann Church
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 3:23 pm

Congrats on the release mate :)
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:05 am

Thanks B1gBadDaddy.

The next REV will have a setting that will prevent some of the more elaborate secondary condition and state tests to make this even more efficient with only a very tiny lose of accuracy. But as it is now it is very light weight.

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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 2:25 pm

Is it one set of "Savvy Saves" across all characters? Or does it do something like "Character Name - Savvy Save [1 - 8]"?

Looks great though.

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Princess Johnson
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:41 am

you asked:
Is it one set of "Savvy Saves" across all characters? Or does it do something like "Character Name - Savvy Save [1 - 8]"?
I will add this "Character Name - Savvy Save" as an option in the next REV.
I may also add in the optional Nag feature I had in my Oblivion mod where instead of auto saving it reminds you to save.
Probably will use a sound or a flashing notification just like the level up reminder notification.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:17 pm

Great stuff! Really useful with a mod-heavy set up where a CTD is always around the corner ;-)

One suggestion: don't count the trades with followers or owned horse inventories (if you use a horse mod that gives horses inventories).

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 3:13 pm

Personally, I would much prefer a nag feature.

I like to name my saves, not to mention autosaves can cause issues with SkyTweak.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 12:10 pm

I would bet THIS autosave mod would have a great chance to avoid said "issues".

Try it and see. :thumbsup:

But yes I will be putting in the optional nag feature as well.

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Len swann
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 4:16 am

great mod, duke. congrats.

the way im thinking about this mod is that i look at it as a way to "work" for my saves. your mod can turn "saving" into a gameplay mechanic and not just a backup feature. the way i see it is that i really try to avoid saving myself and only let your mod autosave for me. with THIS mod it's really cool because it tells me how close i am to saving and i can tweak it to my liking to get a good result - my state of mind while playing is - "i have to survive just 2 more enemies to get a save", or "i just need to travel a few more yards" etc.

the only thing i am wondering if you can include in the tweaking file are these options:

1) "how far you need to travel for the mod to add points". meaning that in the "Exterior Egress Pts" section it says you need to travel 400 feet. i wish we could have an option to set the 400 feet to be whatever we want. i havent tested the mod thoroughly enough to even know if 400 is too much or too little, but i am sure that this is something that could be really great if we could control it! but it's not a big deal if it's too little, since in this case i could tweak it to add only a small amount of points. but if it's too far than it's a shame and there's nothing i can do about it. same goes for interior travel.

2) "points per kill" (maybe dependent on the enemy's and the player's skill). right now every kill grants a really tiny amount of points, which is completely insignificant IMO. 3 points per kill for a lvl 53 character is nothing compared to the 1000 points one needs to save. even a stealth kill is 30. that's also nothing. its meaningless.

i set the modifier of kill to 8000 from 200 so now i get about 150 points per kill , which means i "deserve" a save every 7 kills, give or take, and i set the stealth kills to X3, which made sense to ME. however the fact that the amount of points i get per kill dependent on my character's level is somewhat annoying, cuz it means that the number 8000, that works for my lvl 53 character is fine, but if i was a lvl 10 character it means every kill grants a 800 points, which is too much. it scales up too much, IMO.

so what i wonder if can be added is a way to add a certain amount of points that is either completely fixed (for example - every kill you make, not matter what, grants 200 points, for example) OR a system that takes the level of the enemy and the level of the player into consideration. so killing an enemy that is just your lvl is , say, 300 points(base value). killing an enemy that is half your level is only 150. killing an enemy that is twice your level is 600. something like that.

3) "reach another outdoor location". every time the player comes close to a location (where the name of the location appears on the top right corner), even if it's already been visited, grants points.

in the game "demon souls" the saving system is woven into the gameplay. you kinda have to struggle to get to the next save point (bonfire). with your mod, duke, this can also be a saving system that is woven into the gameplay with these small added options, if it isnt too daunting to add them. other things that could be added are:

4) disable manual and quick saving, to strengthen the idea of "working for your saves"

5) MCM support. im sure a great mod like this, with SO many useful tweakable options could use an MCM menu in SkyUI. though i assume you thought about this and decided not to include it for some reason. i hope i made sense and got my poits across.

thanks for this gem, duke. another great mod. appreciated greatly!! :smile:

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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:27 am

Hey Topeira

Very VERY interesting perspective about the saves being part of the game. I may address your points better latter after I have time to think about it, but here is a quick reply:

1 - I can do this. I did not at first because you can adjust the awarded pts but I see what you mean.

2 - This is complicated as to why I did it my way. The idea here is that kills are not intended to be main trigger but a PART of the overall trigger when added to other game progress. On the other hand I use my combat mod that at my high level spawns dozens of combatants so I get the pts fast enough anyway. I can add in another Kill award that is adjusted by the player but I cannot do anything that compares the actor to the player as per my previous post on how the mod works. OR maybe it would be best to add a player adjustable scale to the player level formula then you can scale THAT how you want to. Yes I think I will do that ...

3 - mmm... I will look at that, but I am not sure how I can fix that. I may need to make this player adjustable and allow the player to set that down to a low value if they have found most of the locations. I will see what I can do.

4- Not sure how to do that, do you know? I would bet it is an INI setting however, if so it would not be IN my mod but it would be something you can do yourself.

5- As you said I have my reasons not to use MCM, at least for the first few REV of this mod. I am interested in trying MCM for this mod but not enough to spend hours trying to learn the technical language needed to follow the MCM instructions. But maybe latter when I have no other projects that are more pressing for my time. And I would probably not do so if this made my mod dependent on another (any) mod such as the UI mod itself.

I am very adamant about DEPENDENCY on other mods.

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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:22 pm

I love the confidence, but the issue is on SkyTweak's end not yours :tongue:

If SkyTweak fails to trigger a setting scan before a save, the gamesettings the next time that save is loaded would be "rolled back" so to speak.

The scans are triggered upon the openning and closing of the console and system menu, or the opening of SkyTweak.

So unless your autosaves trigger any of those 5 events the issue would still exist, albeit minorly.

Unless you know of an event that occurs immediately before a save, it's still an issue I'd have to warn my users about.

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Marcia Renton
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 6:30 am


Hey the mod is once again a wonder! You might want to add to the mod description that using Mod Organizer, you must edit the configuration file inside the mod folder for it to work! Maybe it will work in override directory also, but mine worked from mod folder.


I dont get your concern, dosent the gamesettings get saved once you exit the menu? Or is the save being generated even on the menu sceen? If the later is true, then that should be worked around by Duke.

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tiffany Royal
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 1:52 pm


If you like we can work around this without making any dependencies with our mods.

Both our mods can check to see if the other is in the players load.

If so then the following is used by both mods:

Right before my mod issues a save I will move a chest or some other vanilla object in one of the hidden non player cells up 777 units and then add a lockpick to the player.

Your mod would watch for the add item event, when it happens it checks to see if the vanilla object is at 777 units Z and then move the object back down to where it was at before (the vanilla position) and delete the lockpick from the player and run its code.

If you do not want to do that then as I said the Nag Feature is now in my mod for the next Rev. I am not sure which I like better myself, the Nag or the auto save.

Auto save is so dam convenient and I have had no issue with it myself, but the Nag feature gives the player full control and thus almost 100% eliminates any corrupt or eminent death or any other “bad” type of save point as the player gets the final say over when exactly to save.

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Britney Lopez
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 5:16 am

that's a fascinating idea, and I'm more than happy to oblige if you think it's a worthwhile idea.

Personally I'll be happy with just the nag feature, because I like to name each of my saves manually.

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lucile davignon
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 9:45 am

Right, I think it is enough to offer the Nag Me feature. It is a notification that will only stop repeating (every 10 seconds) once you make a save in the main menu.

I have an optional sound effect that will play ONCE as well. It is a short "riff" of a lute. In most places this will be distinctive without it being too intrusive.

I will have the next REV ready in a few days. I am trying very hard to make this easy to update. All you should need to do is load up the new ESP and the SCRIPT and then run your Configuration again and you should be good to go.

HA!!! I figured it out... I just need to put my reply ABOVE the quote... he he... the way I have been doing it for years.

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krystal sowten
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 2:24 pm

In my version/screen, the quoted text is indented, and both above and below there are lines I can write on. Also, apparently you can hit the "light switch" type thing in the top left of the editor. That puts it into plain text mode, where you can see the [ quote ] boxes.

Also, nice looking mod! I started playing FO3 again recently and found a smart-autosave mod similar to this, I was just thinking we needed one for Skyrim. (although I hadn't looked yet, there might be something already...)

edit: I say apparently. I used it, so clearly it's true, for me at least.
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:51 am

yeah... for you, that does not help me (is it the chrome browser?) . :tongue: But putting on top works great for me.

No other Auto save mod works as mine does AFAIK (with the save score system and the safe save method) which surprises me a little as I had made this for Oblivion many years ago.

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Umpyre Records
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 6:45 am

I am using chrome, yes. Have you tried the light switch?

(but you carry on with putting them on top, we're quite used to it :P )

I like the idea of having to earn a checkpoint, rather than save spamming. That sort of thing is easy to implement in linear games, as you just put them in locations or after bosses. But for an open game like Skyrim, it has to take a lot more variables into account.

(also, the piggy bank with glasses to represent a smart save? nice touch :D )

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jenny goodwin
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 2:09 am

UPDATE Duke Patrick's Savvy Save
version 1.1
SKSE needed.
Get it here:


New in REV 1.1
Confirmed Kill Bonus Pts
The number of points added to the Save Score each time you or your followers make a kill.
Set aadpKillMod to 0 and aadpKillMod to what you want if you do not want player level scaling for kills.
In Doors Distance Trigger
The distance IN FEET you must travel to trigger an in doors save score calculation.
Out Doors Distance Trigger
The distance IN FEET you must travel to trigger an out doors save score calculation.
Save File Name
This makes a Savvy Save using the name of the PC as part of the save file name.
Nag Me To Save Instead
Instead of making an autosave, you will be notified every 10 seconds to make a save game file
after you reach the save score goal. This will stop once you either press your quick save button
or you go into the save file menu.
Plus some small bug fixes.
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