So now that there's no more Skyrim DLC, who was the most memorable villain out of the four big bads.
So now that there's no more Skyrim DLC, who was the most memorable villain out of the four big bads.
Alduin. Just because the good feeling that came with the completion of the MQ.
This is tough because I liked the fight with Harkon better, it was more intense for me, but I think Miraak is more badass than any of the other "baddies" plus his voice was just badass. I don't like the whole dragonborn vs dragonborn thing, but I did like Miraak better than Harkon because he was just cool, my vote goes to Miraak.
Alduin is a joke, and I honestly thought the end battle with him was worse than the fight on the Throat of the World, so he isn't memorable, and I wouldn't consider Hermaues Mora a bad guy because we don't actually fight him or anything.
Hermaeous Mora for being a Magnificent Bastard.
He felt too...well, overestimated to me. I thought he'd be stronger. Miraak wasn't all that evil, he just wanted to conquer everything and stick it to the Dragons. Harkon, well...he was psychotic and wanted to plot out the sun because he was power hungry, so I'm going with him as the most evil. Even so, in a fight, Miraak could beat down that pale blood svcker easily, just by saying Fus once.
Hermaus Mora
Alduin ........Gives a weak end fight
Miraak .......He just wants to go home
Harkon.......Use a bow stand on the balcony type bit stick him with arrows and he's dead. Plus the moment you have the elder scrolls in your possession he's already lost and is nothing more than a mad recluse sitting in his castle crying about the sun.
Hermaus Mora is the only one on that list who remains undefeated.
Hermaeous Mora
It's tough to beat a Daedric Prince.
I forgot to add this; Harkon alienated his entire family and was willing to kill his own daughter, just so he could go outside at all times of the day...yeah, forget him. Mora isn't all that evil to me, he just enjoys corrupting people with forbidden knowledge (alledged forbidden knowledge, might I add).
I still think Hermause Mora should be removed because for one, he cannot be killed, and two we don't actually fight him, he is just behind the scenes. I think he shouldn't be on the list, to be honest.
Just because you can't engage him in combat doesn't mean he doesn't count as a 'baddie.'
Some people like to think you can trick him, but he is the Daedric Prince of Fate and is heavily implied to be connected to Akatosh, so maybe you're right about not being able to beat him. Then again, not every villain is defeated.
Sorry, I was misleading, I definitely think he is a bad guy, that's for sure he is an evil tentacled bastard. I just think out of all the candidates we are given he just doesn't fit in because all the others we fight, we do not fight Hermeaus Mora, so to me he seems out of place.
And the scrolls have foretold of black wings in the cold, and when brothers wage war come unfurled.
Bane of kings!
Ancient shadow unbound, with a hunger to swallow the world!
EDIT: Thank god the stars are back
Miraak. It was an honor going against the First Dragonborn. The atmosphere was great. Having zero second cooldowns made thu'um dueling him even more exciting.
That and he had some very interesting combat dialogue. I just wish he was fleshed out more as a character. So many questions left un-answered...
Ah, I see, sorry for assuming.
That's reasonable I guess, though it would make more sense if the OP had made it "favorite main boss."
(I'd argue that Mora was the main baddie of the DLC, but whatevz)
No, I was misleading, it's my bad. I agree though, the title should be favorite main boss. I also agree that Mora is the main baddie, but I feel he shouldn't count because we don't actually fight him like the others.
But he is evil in the eyes of mortals.
"I am harkon, lord of this court", manipulative, powerful, deceitful and of course fuelled by desire. Perfect vampire by all accounts, hes good looking as well, no homo but - his facial hair matches well with his facial structure. Wish I could pull that off.
I don't really like any of them
I voted Harkon because my battle with him was the most memorable.
The Caller is my favorite Enemy, I loved her dialogue.