Getting back into Skyrim trying to figure out what I am doing in Solstheim naked being attacked by Frost Trolls.
Anyways, I already know of the what the new update adds, both the Legendary difficulty and Legendary skills, this allowing you to reset your skills how many times you want once they reach 100 also allowing endless levels.
I do however have a few questions on how it works. Just some small ones. Do answer the following and I will be most thankful :
1. Does resetting skills such as One-Handed effect the damage and efficiency of any of the One-Handed weapons? Will it reduce the damage once I reset the skill?
2. Will all of my perks for a skill tree reset? If not then please answer question 3.
3. Since the resetting the skills allows for endless levels, will I still be getting perks even after surpassing level 81? Are there no limitations to the point where I can have every perk in the game (I do not plan on doing this as dislike having such overpowered characters but I only wish to know so I know when to limit myself).