[REL] Blades Samurai Armour and Kimonos ver 3.0

Post » Mon May 06, 2013 3:23 pm

Blades Samurai Armour and Kimonos

Version 3.0 now available at Skyrim Nexus: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24704


This mod adds a variety of samurai-themed armours, kimonos, and now weapons for all genders and races. As it is gear intended for the Blades it aims to be as lore friendly as possible, but it should be useful for any melee focused character. All items are craftable (armours and weapons at the forge and kimonos at the tanning rack), and the armours and swords may be tempered for increasing quality.

All items are non-replacers and does not alter any Blades gear. The ratings for the armours are identical to the default Blades Armour. The kimonos have an armour ratings of about 25. Info is provided below for players who wish to change certain details.

In order to be able to have a single quiver for all arrow types, "Akaviri arrows" can be crafted at the forge from regular arrows in bunches of 10, e.g. 10 Elven Arrows to 10 Akaviri Elven Arrows. These arrows have the same damage and stats as the defaults. The colour of the quiver is chosen when the arrow is crafted. Regular arrows with their respective quivers still function normally, so there is no requirement to craft them into Akaviri arrows.

Armour and weapons are in seperate .esp's, so either or both can be used.

Armour has the normal set for each: boots, cuirass, gauntlets, and default helmet. Each set also has additional helmets. There are three shields that should match all of the armour sets.

Blades Yoroi Armour - black with gold lacing
Blades Nuinobe Armour - black with red lacing
Blades Hotoke Armour - black with blue lacing
Blades Do-maru Armour - red with black lacing
Blades Haramaki Armour - blue with black lacing

Blades Yoroi Eboshi Helmet - black and gold samurai helmet and mask
Blades Hotoke Eboshi Helmet - black and blue samurai helmet and mask
Blades Nuinobe Eboshi Helmet - black and red samurai helmet and mask
Blades Haramaki Eboshi Helmet - blue samurai helmet and mask
Blades Do-maru Eboshi Helmet - red samurai helmet and mask

Blades Yoroi Zunari Helmet - black and gold samurai helmet
Blades Hotoke Zunari Helmet - black and blue samurai helmet
Blades Nuinobe Zunari Helmet - black and red samurai helmet
Blades Haramaki Zunari Helmet - blue samurai helmet
Blades Do-maru Zunari Helmet - red samurai helmet

Blades Yoroi Haribachi Helmet - black and gold helmet with raised wings
Blades Hotoke Haribachi Helmet - black and blue helmet with raised wings
Blades Nuinobe Haribachi Helmet - black and red helmet with raised wings
Blades Haramaki Haribachi Helmet - blue helmet with raised wings
Blades Do-maru Haribachi Helmet - red helmet with raised wings

Blades Yoroi Kawari Helmet - black and gold helmet with large horns
Blades Hotoke Kawari Helmet - black and blue helmet with large horns
Blades Nuinobe Kawari Helmet - black and red helmet with large horns
Blades Haramaki Kawari Helmet - blue helmet with large horns
Blades Do-maru Kawari Helmet - red helmet with large horns

Blades Yoroi Genji Helmet - black and gold helmet with large horns
Blades Hotoke Genji Helmet - black and blue helmet with large horns
Blades Nuinobe Genji Helmet - black and red helmet with large horns
Blades Haramaki Genji Helmet - blue helmet with large horns
Blades Do-maru Genji Helmet - red helmet with large horns

Blades Ao Shield - blue and black
Blades Kiniro Shield - gold and black
Blades Aka Shield - red and black

Blades Hatamoto Kimono - traditional black and grey
Blades Koshogumi Kimono - black and white
Blades Kensai Kimono - black and blue
Blades Dragon Kimono - black and red with dragon theme
Blades Dragonborn Kimono - black with gold dragon theme
Blades Daimyo Kimono - red and blue with flower scheme
Blades Ronin Kimono - Samurai Jack theme
Blades Shihanke Kimono - Jin theme from Samurai Champloo
Blades Nyokan Kimono - pink and flowers for females
Blades Kengo Kimono - Ukyo theme from Samurai Shodown series
Blades Meijin Kimono - blue version of Hatamoto Kimono
Blades Doshin Kimono - Jubei theme from Samurai Shodown series
Blades No-Kami Kimono - green and blue with flower scheme
Blades Daikan Kimono - white with flower scheme
Blades Tandai Kimono - black and green
Blades Septim Kimono - black and red with Imperial mon
Blades Daijin Kimono - black, red, and white with Minamoto mon
Blades Kenshin Kimono - purple and white based on Rurouni Kenshin series
Blades Zen Monk Robes - black and white Buddhist monk robes with black belt
Blades Nichiren Monk Robes - black and white Buddhist monk robes with white belt
Blades Tendai Monk Robes - yellow Buddhist monk robes

Other Items:
Tabi and Sandles - black
Tabi and Sandles - white
Zori Sandals
Blades Kensei Gauntlets - extra armor for use with kimonos
Straw Hat

Bo Staff - monk's quarterstaff
Blades Daikyu Yumi - regular wood and red wood
Blades Daisho - black, red, and blue versions
Blades Katana - black, red, and blue versions
Blades Tachi - black, red, and blue versions
Blades Wakizashi - black, red, and blue versions

Akaviri Ancient Nord Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Daedric Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Dwarven Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Ebony Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Elven Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Falmer Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Forsworn Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Glass Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Iron Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Nord Hero Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Orcish Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers
Akaviri Steel Arrow - black, blue, and red quivers

All items can be obtained in the Sky Haven Temple in various containers.

Hope you enjoy it, because I had fun making it!

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Joanne Crump
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:31 am


Welcome to the forums, have a http://images.uesp.net/c/c4/Fishystick.jpg!

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