Character journal- The tale of Brandon Froldgeir

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:21 am

So, this is my first attempt at a character journal, so constructive criticism will be most appreciated.

General Play Restrictions

-The Events of helgen did not happen, while the town still burnt down, Brandon was not there

-Leave helgen with nothing bar things that are possible to be found in the wild, or brought from somewhere else

-Difficulty set to master

-HUD set to 0%

-Brightness two notches down from half

-Only carry 30% of what the game allows

-Only carry 50 arrows max

-Must fully sheath a weapon to drink a potion

-Must have a hand free to pick anything up

-Must not move around crouched for unreasonable amounts of time

-May not harvest unreasonable items (if an elk has a garnet don't take it)

-May not activate overpowered/unrealistic perks (like conditioning; heavy armor weighs nothing)

-Must sleep for at least 8 hours every day (allowed to make rare exceptions)
-Must eat 2 meals a day (allowed to make rare exceptions)
-May not swim while wearing armor
-May not enter freezing water unless on a horse
-May not fast travel (except by cart)
-May not use exploits
-If you set off a trap and it injures you then you are dead
-May only use manual saves after sleeping (resting)
-When character dies must load from the most recent save
-If character dies must return to an inn and wait (recover) for 7 days
-Must spend 300 gold with the inn keep to cover room and board
-A mercenary's fee is for (1) 24-hour period
-A companion may carry 10% of your carry ability
-When a companion/mercenary dies they are dead, no save loading
Character Specific Restrictions
-No magic apart from shouts and Nord specific powers
-May not steal or harm friendly neutral NPCs
-Must apply points to health and stamina in a 2-1 fashion
Raised in the wildernesses of cyrodiil by his grandfather, he was taught how to hunt, felling his first deer when he was twelve years of age. He was also taught by his father, who visited periodically from travelling across tamriel as an Imperial Legate he was taught how to use an axe. Nearing the end of the Great War, his father was killed by the thalmor, and when the empire then surrendered to the thalmor, he turned to hate and despise them. When his grandfather died a year before, he left to his ancestral homeland of skyrim to get away from a place he now despised, where his father and grandfather had both been taken from him.
I relise it's a svcky back-story, but I want most of it to be revealed in the Character Journal.
Also, please give constructive criticism.

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