lol, nice axel.
And yeah I can understand that. I don't intend to make a horror mod unless I can get a team of rl friends to help me or something, cuz I have a clinical memory problem so it's too easy for me to forget how to use or even what I was doing in the CS, and it got old relearning it all the time.. but I did try once, with various items and what not. I recall this really chilling story I wrote about a dark elf murderer who drove a wood elf insane cuz he though wood elves where beneath him.
Trouble with those mods is that after you get a few good items out you kinda go.. "well, what now?" or get too bogged down. I really wish I had uploaded what I had back then, because looking back there were pretty good. I was beginning though, and didn't know what I had.. the only other person I knew who modded in rl was good enough he actually went to the TR side of stuff eventually to feel more challenged, but ended up leaving MW cuz his work was never good enough to him.
With that as your only example, even decent creations seem sub par. I should have come to the forums long before I did. Anyway, a lot of things in my life changed recently, and as I was hanging out here in MW forums a lot, it got me thinking about when I started off. I'm not to the point I feel I can mod again yet. Perhaps if things continue to process I will try to recreate some of my old beginner mods.
For the moment though, I just want to play evil style like I once did.. just for the sake of it. That's why I asked for feedback on some evil type mods. It sort of like a new beginning for me I guess. Heck, maybe it will even give me some new ideas too.
So I've been going though some of the mods you suggested to me, slowly but surely and I like to research well before I add and this lichcraft readme is kinda sparce.
Lich features include:
- level-based bonuses to magicka related skills and attributes
- create your own spells of almost unlimited power
- a new way of creating your own enchantments. 100% sucessful.... but not without it's price
- retreat to your phylactery when mortally wounded, and live to fight another day
- disguise your true form to interact with the world as normal.... but you can't sustain this for long
- various other bonuses and penalties
It doesn't really say WHAT changes.. only that there are changes. It even makes mention elsewhere that becoming a lich will disalbe certain clothing slots, but doesn't say which ones. Kind of important isn't that? Any advice? I tried the URL in the readme, but it appears to be down.