My husband just saved over my main character. Over 200 hours. Nearly 100% completion. Gone.
Sigh. Replacement character is up to level 3 now...
My husband just saved over my main character. Over 200 hours. Nearly 100% completion. Gone.
Sigh. Replacement character is up to level 3 now...
This is why it is important to back up your saves.
If you're relying upon quicksaves and not making periodic "snapshots" of your progress, then the fault lies with you, and not your husband.
Edit: All is not necessarily lost. If on PC, The game keeps a record of previous quick/autosaves. Go to My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\saves. See all those files with the .bak extension? They're automatic backups. Your last known situation may be contained within one of these. Or at least something close to it.
He's the one who insists on keeping each character limited to one save. He was the dummy that saved his character over mine.
He'll pay! For a nice dinner out. Or maybe new shoes.
Just buy a 32GB flash drive and back up your saves after each session. I promise you that you'll be happy you did. Murphy's law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Best to be prepared.
Don't blame him, it was an honest mistake. As for only letting you have one save, just buy a flashdrive.
If they play the PS3 then only having one save is a very wise practice. It could also be to keep it neat and clean.
I play PS3 and I have 10 saves per character. I learned my lesson when 50 hours of gameplay was accidentally saved over
I'm sorry but I would never let anybody tell me how many saves I can make.
Plus, you can make a second account on your PS3 and make your saves on there.
Maybe not divorce but certainly milk it for all it's worth.
Frame rate drops, infinte loading screens, general lag and freezing. Multiple saves on the PS3 HDD can cause this. Start each session with one save and back up saves created during the session at the end. It reduces lag in certain situations and stop infinte loading screens. I have spent a long time testing these theories and this one does help.
I always save twice before exiting a playing session and I don't let ANYONE near my profile unless the d@mn well know what they're doing.
I'm the same way. I see anyone on my profile on the PS3 and i go nuts.
Stupid question but are you on PC? If yes, then there is yet hope. If not... well... I imagine strange and disturbing things will happen to your husband in near future.
I save them on a flash drive, not the HDD.
Husband: Did you do the dishes?
Good man. Ive lost count of how many saves i have on my flash drive.
This is why on X360 I have multiple accounts for my games
Ouch. Sounds like grounds to do a Jon-Wayne Bobbitt if you ask me.
I'm kidding! DON'T!!!