This is a pointless story but I want to say that I didn't know trolls returned to the wild if you waited them, so I waited him on a cliff, BTW he was an armored FROST troll, which I got at level 20, and he returned to the wild when I was halfway across skyrim. I came back, looking for a troll, saw him beating up some bandits, and went to help. when I furnished he started attacking me, and I did not wan tho kill him, so I got pummeled by a troll all back to fort dawnguard. when I got there, I managed to capture him in the troll pen, and there he now stays, not angry, now that I bent his will. I luckily got another armored frost troll the second time, and I am wondering. what is a better combination, Lydia in full steel plate with an armored frost troll, or Bran with the frost troll, for fighting in general. BTW Lydia also has an ebony sword with an ebony shield. I have to leave the frost troll in the combo though, in the right conditions he could pummel them both into submission 2v1 (tested the hard way)