Hello peoples, I come here today with the noble mission of spreading the good word!
There is a mod at nexus which really is the fruit of research from the author with help from the community into stability and computer optimization, and this one works for real!
I was getting annoying CTD everywhere but most annoying was every time I loaded a new cell both going to and coming from Riverwood. After applying the fixes I can get stable FPS, 99% smooth gameplay with ocasional stutter when there are many shadow casting lights. But more important, no more CTD!
Have in mind my game has 250 plugins active and many more merged with Tes5edit and imported into bashed patch plus skyproc patchers. I was beggining to think I would have to disable most script intensive mods (I already use moderate retextures and all optimized for better performance). Now a lot of mods is no excuse for a CTD plagued game, I didnt disable any mods to achieve stability following this guide. The word about those fixes must be spread, it really helps your game (and computer in general) have better responsiveness, performance and stability.
Skyrim Project Stability - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32363
Everyone which has been getting random CTD and/or stuttering should give it a try, specially the steps about Cleanmem, HPET and CPU Parking if you got a multi core CPU. All of the guide is recommented for best results!