it seems weird that EVERY named dragon priest has a mask except for vahlok the jailor... considering his legendary status and how he was honored and respected... you'd think he'd have the mightiest mask of them all, except for maybe miraak.
instead, he has nothing... for someone so great, it was like fighting a generic dragon priest, with no real reward.
i was wondering if there is some reasoning behind it, or if bethesda just forgot to give him one?
he also seemed easier than other dragon priests... again, probably because he seemed like a generic one.
thats two oddities when it comes to dragon priests and the masks, now... first, the ultimate mask from the vanilla game... konahriik... and this dragon priest, vahlok.
a priestless mask, and a maskless priest... i wish there was some story behind vahlok having no mask, and i'd really like to see some story behind the konahriik mask...