What the [expletive] is up with Breezehome?

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 10:08 am

I converted the alchemy lab to a kid's room right when Hearthfire came out and there weren't many problems. In the last 6 months (?) or so, there's this magical force field of IQ destroying energy from the kid's room to the dining room table.

Nobody goes in the bedroom for some reason, but when they do, they might as well have one of those neck bombs from Total Recall and FO3, because you literally have to force them out through the doorway...! What gives?

Nothing better than watching your child running off all excited to go play with their new toy sword than...watching them totally ignore their bedroom and sparring dummy in lieu of staring at the dresser whilst standing about 4 cm from it.

I can't be the only one with this issue...)

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