I used to love the game

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:31 am

You know Bethesda you make some pretty amazing games, that being said when it comes to the playstation 3 system your games svck. I know many people who have no issues really with their xbox 360 version of the game and all of the content was created for Microsoft first and then like a 6 to 7 month time gap and the second class people get a update finally. I am not proud of the game any longer especially when I have a issue with my game freezing every time I turn around and it is a newer ps3 as well as a brand new skyrim disc. I am so pissed with every time trying to save and the game freezes for no reason at all. How about after a while you actually fix some of the issues that plague the playstation system as we should be just as valued a consumer as the xbox 360 people. People say that the playstation 3 system is harder to design games for, yet it has been out for how long and people still can not figure it out. I apologize for being so pissed off, I would just like to actually enjoy a game without all the freezing and amount of issues that I have been having with your game. I even took the new disc back and replaced it with another new disc and still the same problem, so at this point thanks for taking my money and giving me a piece of crap that works when it feels like it. Just in case you can fix the issue which I highly doubt my email is [email="morbius4510@yahoo.com"]morbius4510@yahoo.com[/email] and my gamer tag is morbius4510. I hope that eventually this can get fixed seeing as how I had just purchased the dragon born content and was thinking of purchasing the others but who knows at this rate anymore. Thank you for you time and if you do not get a chance to look at this it will not surprise me any as it would be nice to see a patch that would fix my issues with the game. I hope that when the new systems come out you do not just put Microsoft first as you have here in this generation of games.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:20 am

There's plenty of bugs on the Xbox and PC too....just check out their support forums
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Red Sauce
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:56 pm

You can read at this forum for possible solution making the game run better and smoother, and of course as http://www.gamesas.com/user/761968-terrordactyl/ says XBOX360 and PC have plenty of bugs or whatever too. !!!
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 7:15 pm

All along since 11.11.11 I have been "upset" with the bugs/glitches in the game that are inherent to all three platforms; the unfinished quest lines, the unfinished or broken radiant quest system, graphics glitches, poor writing, the poor choices by devs.

Some of my examples are: All the problems with the Companions quest line, the weird fact that you have to become a werewolf to do a major quest in the game too. You are generally forced into "evil" choices at every turn. Most of the Deadric quests are like this or you cannot participate in a major portion of the game.

The Nightingale quests are stupid in that you have to become a Nightingale in order to stop Mercer Frey but when you meet him you use no special "Nightingale power" or Nightingale weapons or armor to kill him.

The civil war quest line has numerous game-stopping glitches no matter which side you choose to fight for.

Then there are all the bugs concerning houses, bookcases, chests, mannequins, etc.

As I said, these are things across all platforms. The PS3 exclusive bugs just add insult to injury.

Of course I shouldn't complain... Skyrim is sooo big and sooo beatutiful I should expect some problems. (I do and I expect them to get fixed but BETH has ZERO history of fixing their games)

It amazes me that when Dragonborn came out on Xbox and the bugs get found that they, one, do not get corrected for Xbox users and then, two, are still there in the PS3 and PC versions.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:04 am

Unfortunately, we can nothing do about this...only waiting and hopping.!!!

Only time will tell.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:06 am

Creating an open world game is hard to mange. Give Bethesda some more time. I think they are finally trying to fix the errors that they made when releasing Skyrim. It's not easy. Lets be positive and give Bethesda our full support.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:39 am

15 months after release and you think they need more time.... Hmmm? Perhaps they should have not released it until it was finished. Of course BETH has testified to the difficulty of patching the vanilla game after DLC has gone live, meaning I do not believe you waiting longer is going to help this game.

But for the sake of argument... how long is long enough? Fallout 3 still has bugs on all platforms that were found on day one of release. Beth never addressed these. So how many years should they have to fix the game before we become disgruntled?
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:08 am

OP, i feel your pain. Exact same issue ended my experience with Fallout 3, years ago....alittle over 40 hours in and i couldnt walk literally more then afew steps before the game froze up my ps3, i remember sitting there one night resetting the ps3 countless times over the space of half an hour, before finally ejecting the disc and trading it in the next day on a pre-order for bfbc2...

With skyrim, i think theyv managed to do alot of optimization with the engine. Im currently playing on my one and only character, from day one 11/11/11, with alittle over 175 hours clocked, and 20 of those gone into dragonborn. And for the first time in awhile the game is running great, 15mb save file to boot...

I did have an issue earlier today, 3 freezes back to back, i was playing dragonborn, but wanted to travel back to skyrim to find some skill trainers to up my enchanting skill.
In skyrim i reluctantly took on 2 new missions while searching for the trainers.So i complete one of them quickly, and decided not to bother with the other longer mission, and went back to Solstheim/dragonborn. I manually saved a couple minutes after getting back, then running through the first settlement you arrive at in dragonborn, it freezes, i reset the ps3 like i always do after dieing, and load back up, freezes again, so i rinse and repeat again and get the same result again. When i load back in the next time i notice that the mission i took on in skyrim is selected as my active quest, so i deactivate it and select the quest i was doing in solstheim before travelling back to skyrim,create new save, reset ps3, load back in and the freezing is gone.......

These games are good, pity about the hoops you have to jump through though to play them sometimes.. no worrys though, next gen and proper hardware will be here before the end of the year....
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 10:21 pm

As long as they need.
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 7:38 pm

They are completely out of time here. Its been since Oblivion they couldn't be bothered to fully support the PS3.

Its been since MW they have relied on the crutch of community modders to fix their products for the PC. I think they totally deserve almost all the angst and bad press received over the PS3-Skyrim debacle. I find that some of it is quite over-the-top, but sometimes thats just the way of the internet.

http://kotaku.com/5885358/why-skyrim-didnt-play-nice-with-the-ps3 That in itself should be enough to erase any grace period regarding bug fixing.

Instead of 'coming clean' about the issues they exacerbated the situation by lying to fans before release, fans who had already been burned with FO3 and FONV on the PS3. They knew very well the PS3 performance was sub-par but continued to proclaim there was good parity among the systems.

Then they took a stance of minimizing the complaints, silence and dismissal towards the PS3 customers. The most vocal in the PS3 community here have just been banned. Dozens of users.

As for it not being easy, well of course its not. If it were easy anybody could do it. But how easy or hard it is is neither your, nor any customers problem. They controlled the development from the beginning. Including writing the product requirements and specifications. If the product doesn't meet those then they failed. It should not be on the customer to wait, having already paid, for the product to be fixed.

That was all pretty negative sounding, but strangely cathartic.

I'm pretty happy getting DB, and I'm also going to buy HF and DG. I'm really appreciative of the discounts. Without the markdown its more likely I never would have purchased any DLC.

BUT - this single act of good will doesn't erase how they have treated me, the money paying customer and (former) diehard fan.
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 9:56 pm

Ya......What vent said.......
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 12:43 am

I used to love the game: Then I took an Arrow to the knee.

Sorry could not help myself.............
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:13 am

it was simply a matter of time before anyone would post this
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:44 am

Best meme ever?
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:47 pm

It is good but my favorite will always be Curved Swords. The way the guard says it cracks me up every time.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:38 am

weit,weit,weti... they didnt fix the lag on ps3?? but i just boought the PS3 copy so i could enjoy Skyrim on a big screen...back to the pc version...
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 7:00 pm

the game has improved very much since the release (atleast thats what ive heared lol) although there is still some lag, esp with higher unclean save files.. although in the end ive seen that people's experiences vary alot, and you wont know the performance of your game til you actually play it your way i myself cant complain of any lag so far
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 8:09 pm

Vasja, don't worry, just play. As long as you're not demanding perfection, it should be fine. Just exercise some patience and common sense and follow the oft-repeated advice (turn off all auto saving; save manually; keep at least 10 save files so you can reload when things go wrong; don't go on a killing spree for fun or you'll probably break future quests; don't let quest log get too big; shut down and wait an hour if you start having unbearable lag). I love gaming on a giant tv and I've managed to platinum Skyrim and am still playing my one, original 11/11/11 High Elf so don't worry, just play!
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