» Tue May 07, 2013 1:08 am
OP, i feel your pain. Exact same issue ended my experience with Fallout 3, years ago....alittle over 40 hours in and i couldnt walk literally more then afew steps before the game froze up my ps3, i remember sitting there one night resetting the ps3 countless times over the space of half an hour, before finally ejecting the disc and trading it in the next day on a pre-order for bfbc2...
With skyrim, i think theyv managed to do alot of optimization with the engine. Im currently playing on my one and only character, from day one 11/11/11, with alittle over 175 hours clocked, and 20 of those gone into dragonborn. And for the first time in awhile the game is running great, 15mb save file to boot...
I did have an issue earlier today, 3 freezes back to back, i was playing dragonborn, but wanted to travel back to skyrim to find some skill trainers to up my enchanting skill.
In skyrim i reluctantly took on 2 new missions while searching for the trainers.So i complete one of them quickly, and decided not to bother with the other longer mission, and went back to Solstheim/dragonborn. I manually saved a couple minutes after getting back, then running through the first settlement you arrive at in dragonborn, it freezes, i reset the ps3 like i always do after dieing, and load back up, freezes again, so i rinse and repeat again and get the same result again. When i load back in the next time i notice that the mission i took on in skyrim is selected as my active quest, so i deactivate it and select the quest i was doing in solstheim before travelling back to skyrim,create new save, reset ps3, load back in and the freezing is gone.......
These games are good, pity about the hoops you have to jump through though to play them sometimes.. no worrys though, next gen and proper hardware will be here before the end of the year....