You to could have bought a console version, but decided to go the PC route.....which had limitations. (I'd like to say good on you for supporting the company and not stealing it. Even if it kinda "blew up in your face", from your point of view.)
Chalk it up as a learning experience. Read the box, and if you don't like the limitations/requirements, don't buy it for PC. (But don't steal it either!) Though, in my opinion the PC is always the best way to go. Note the PC community can, and has fixed issues for ourselves. Good luck doing that on a console.
Just be patient. I bet once you can play, you'll forget this, what I see as a minor annoyance (In this world of murder, forced six, genocide.) .and you will enjoy the game. I do understand the frustration, but nothing was kept secret and simply sprung on you out of the blue to annoy you.
Call me a fan boy, but I also have ordered a PS3 CE but that isn't available until tomorrow as well. (I did that because there is no PC CE available in the netherlands, and I wanted that Bad.)
If it wasn't for that damn CE I would have been playing on my PS3 instead of ranting on here.
I just buy any Beth game on both. PS3 for being able to play in the living room, the PC for Mods and hourse of Lone Wandering XD.
Call me crazy but I just love these game to much not to have'm all. And Backups.
And yes, all will be forgotten tomorrow morning when I get out of bed early to wander the Mojave. But still, I take this few hours that are left to vent my Nerdrage

Why it surprised me is the fact that I have used steam for years but haven't had a steam game before release except Empire Total War, and that played instantly (because of the very late release date in Holland, a few days after the European) which is why I expected to be able to play it straight away.
I know my "If I can't play it on PC, they shouldn't be able to play it on consoles either" is very childish. But even grown men/young advlts are allowed their childish moments