I have been using RCRN and used CoT for quite some time, and never was able to make it work "just right". So now I just want to move to vanilla and a simple lighting mod(s). I am fine with the vanilla weathers, i just want some lighting changes that:
Make nights darker (for all DLCs)
Make dungeons darker (across DLCs)
Make interiors slightly darker (across DLCs)
Try to keep the HDR effect from RCRN. CoT seemed a little too bloom like on my monitor.
I have used Enhanced Lighting FX and Realistic Ligting in combination and separately. I just now want something simple to install that will darken nights and dungeons and make interior light look good.
I am currently looking at relighting Skyrim.
Anyone have any suggestions that do not involve ENB (nothing against it just too many variables to tweak) or a weather/lighting overhaul?
I have an ATI Radeon 4950 with 2GB VRAM and a 32" Samsung LED monitor.