Hearthfire issues

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:10 am

So i am having an issue with hearthfire. At first it was building a house, like i would choose to add a Library for example on the west side and when i would go to the workbench there would not be options to add the various pieces (foundation, walls, etc)
A few day later it has worked. I also find sometimes you have to enter the menu, exit and re-enter for options to be listed. Now my other issue is adoption. I have the Lakeview home all built up and also have a room for kids with 2 beds and 2 chests. I adopted the girl from Whiterun and she showed up but now i had also adopted Sofie from Windhelm and she just never showed up. I went looking around in Windhelm as well and cannot find her.
Anyone run into this problem?

I really only got this dlc because i was curious about family life as i clearly will not have one anytime soon, lol
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Add Meeh
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:06 pm

Did you look through any other houses you own? Did you try waiting 2 weeks ingame time? if not, do so
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:52 am

at least you can adopt, i cant...
i really wanted to buy the other 2 DLC's but i think ill weit till bethesda resolves all the problems, for me hearth fire is not working period.

also fix the Darkeethus glitch..
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:54 am

you cant adopt at all? what house(s) do you own, including vanilla houses? does your character have a spouse? have you killed Grelod the Kind yet?

And as waiting for bethesda to fix the bugs in the DLC's ...well its goin to be a very long wait and even then its unlikely to ever happen so if i were you id buy them now. I personally enjoy both DB and DG alot and havent encountered any serious glitches so far, so one cant ever know how well they will work for them unless they play the DLC's
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:48 am

Well i currently only have a house in Whiterun and one in Markath, also just started to build one near Solitude
Sort of lost my saved data when i upgraded my hd from 60gb to 500gb
2 weeks wait hey, perhaps i shall seen then.
As for bug fixes well we all know Bethesda's record with Sony there will likely not be any fixes.
This dlc came out practically a year after xbox (well almost) so they should have got the "coding issues" worked out
On a side note that last update really messed up as the game was running smooth when i first played but now the patch really makes the game choppy at times

Thanks for the reply
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:18 am

Assante, if Sophie didn't show up immediately you should have quit and reloaded an earlier save. Keeping and using saves is the only way to be successful in Skyrim over the long haul. I adopted Sophie on my Xbox, and the Dawnstar boy because I didn't get the orphanage option because I never did the Dark Brotherhood guild. Too distasteful. Sophie beat me home to Whiterun and I fast-travelled.

On the PS3 I adopted girl from Whiterun and girl from orphanage. I tried to send them and spouse to different homes but they were too smart for me. Hearthfire worked just fine for me on 2 consoles and so far Dawnguard is fine. I did have the disappearing workbench options problem but just back out and come back in and it's fine.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 5:35 am

Oh i do keep many saves
Sofie finally did show up now only issue i have is i cannot have dialogue with her. I try to talk but get no dialogue options.
Only time i spoke to her at home was she brought a fox over and asked if she can keep it. Both kids showed up at my wedding yesterday which i found was cool
Well i would have given them more chores to do if they had not showed up, lol
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:37 am

-I bouht the Lakeview manor, finisht it with Bedrooms-alchemy-Armory 6 beds in total.
-killed the Old HAG
-Married Darkeethus (He keeps on running away from me bethesda...do somthing!)
-Bought the WhiteRun house (Breeze home) fully furnished with Child bedroom.

And nope, i cand adopt. The lady in the Orfanage tells me i need to build a childroom while all i can say to orfans on the street is "I could adopt you, but i dont have a room for you" (cruel joke if ya ask me).
I created a new Character though. And i bought the Breeze home as soon as i got the money (was easy since i chose the empirial). and this time, even without starting the Aventus Capucino mission i could adopt Lucia without any problems. now, just to find me self a Argonian Spouse hmmm....
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claire ley
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 1:45 pm

ah ok, i wouldve suggested you to try and change the breezehome's child room to alchemy lab and then back to child's room to see if it jumpstarts the memory to recognize the already existant child rooms in other houses, and also, to make 100 percent sure the bedrooms section and the main hall of your manor was fully built but since you started over, no harm done, eh
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