I had a house in Windhelm, inside was a chest with all my "good" loot (dragon priest masks, armour sets, daedric items, gold (over 200k) ), its been sat there happily since I bought the place. I've bought the land in falkreath in the Hearthfire expansion, built a big house with trophy room, library, 2 adopted children and the wife moved from Windhelm to live there. I then bought the other 2 plots of land, both of which currently have the small house on them. I'd collected a few more bits on my travels such as miraaks mask and weapon set and was nearing my carrying capacity so I went to Windhelm to deposit it with the rest.........
........ only there's NOTHING there!!! Not even the bloody chest it was stored in????!!! Anyone had this happen or know how to get it back?
I guessed as we'd moved house it could have transported to my new place in falkreath but its not there or at either of my other homes?
Can someone help?