1. After building my first house in Falkreath (which worked fine) I went to build a second house in Morthal. This house thought it was the first and so I couldn't build anything. After a while it allowed me to build the small house layout and a main hall. However, when i attempted to build additions it only allowed me to build the small house layout. I have therefore left this house as I was attempting to get the trophy for building three houses.
2. The third house i built was working fine at first; the small house layout worked fine. However it then came up with workbench removal for rooms I don't have and when i attempted to build a main hall, the wall was not attached to anything and remains floating in the air off to the right hand side of my house. The workbench then decided not to let me do anything else, as there are no options on it or the plans. The only thing it allowed me to build was a side part to the 1 walled main hall, which has a door telling me to go into the house (which doesn't exist)... There are also some non-existent walls and an area to the side with a string fence around it for an addition which does nothing.
It annoys me that after the long delay for the DLC's on PS3, there are still so many bugs and problems (as i have some Dawngaurd issues as well Dragonborn seems to be the only one in which I haven't had problems and it was delayed the least!?) and with the new patch I was disappointed they weren't fixed. I remained loyal to Bethesda and they have given me what appears to be a half-hearted attempt at game add-ons.