Modified FurScale Armor & More

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 2:31 am

Ho there!

I'm wondering if anyone knows if there's any mod which adds an armor like, or similar to, the vanilla fur armor but

with some more armor thrown on, such as leather scales, bit of chainmail, new belt and whatever?

If not, does anyone know any thread/user/forum I could pop into to make a small request, as I think this shouldn't take too long

or be too much of a challenge for a skilled modder?

(I'd try it myself, but I'd have to learn the whole thing from scratch, and I barely have time to even play games as it is.)

Aaaand, I might have to make a different post for this or search more thoroughly, but does anyone know of any good

mod which adds new, lore-friendly nordic weapons or weapon replacers?

1h swords and axes mainly. For reference, something akin to the Iron and Steel variants of the swords/axes in game.


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Saul C
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:56 am

Might Brigandage ( be close to what you're looking for armour-wise? The author also has several other similarly styled armour mods on the Nexus, so even if this particular mod doesn't suit you, there might be others that do.

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Steven Nicholson
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