I've always wondered if any High elves are just pure warriors? i've seen Thalmor battlemages but i've never seen a pure warrior High Elf, I was thinking of making one but I like sticking to the Lore (sorry if it seems like a stupid question)
I've always wondered if any High elves are just pure warriors? i've seen Thalmor battlemages but i've never seen a pure warrior High Elf, I was thinking of making one but I like sticking to the Lore (sorry if it seems like a stupid question)
EDIT: fixed second image.
That's the great thing about TES games, you can play any race you want and whatever way you want.
Same difference.
Although there are some theories that the Orsimer were in fact, the "extinct" Lefthanded Elves from Yokuda.
If Malak is around he'll tell you. I don't remember it exactly but it was pretty convincing I think.