I have two toons going through DG.
(a) Vampire Lord - Level 32, 60 hours, vampire, dark brotherhood listener, oblivion walker
(B ) Werewolf - level 35, 91 hours, companions, civil war, married, DragonBorn-mq
With both I'm experiencing a fair bit more stuttering 'doing' Dawnguard than I was previously.
In fact ( B ) went through the Dragonborn MQ effortlessly and with marvelous performance. But now that toon is getting stuttering and slideshow like framerates with some regularity. I would say about every 30 min or so I get a couple wtf minutes of play. It is
almost as bad as pre-1.4 fps hits, but not quite and it recovers without a reset (and much less profanity).
Also NPC schedules are utterly borked. I tried waiting 10 days inside the solitude stables but I still got kids running about Solitude at 2 AM and the Riften shop owners in place at odd hours.
I've also got a few merchants who I can never get into barter mode. I just get no dialog option for it anymore, regardless of time or what they are doing.
Lastly, I loaded up my level 50 character who hasn't been touched since before any DLC was installed. I loaded the save and let the game stew for about 10 minutes (just idling in a building). The save went from 8.5mb -&--#62; 9.7mb just from that. Probably shouldn't be a big surprise but thought I'd mention it.