I've never had any issue with a compressed BSA causing scripts to fail. The USKP has been shipping with one for some time now since we surpassed the Steam Workshop file size limit. Nobody has reported anything unusual that can't be traced back to a mod conflict or a load order problem.
What *IS* true though is that you can't pack string localization files (Data\Strings) into a compressed BSA. They will corrupt when the game tries to read them. You'll either need an uncompressed BSA for that or to include them packaged loose alongside the rest. It also makes no difference trying to "fix" this by using BSAOpt because it doesn't correct the problem. It's an engine side bug.
And yes, Bethesda's script BSA is compressed and works perfectly fine. So if there's any solid test case for it, the vanilla game is it.
I'm aware this was somewhat necro'd but it was linked to it in another thread