Help with Havok Anim Names

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:30 am

I encountered a big problem while scripting. I noticed that when I wanted to add a lever (for ex. DweLever01) and when i try to add the animation to pull, it doesn't work. The animation for pulling is called: fullpulldown.htx (one of them), but if I look at a predefined script (for ex. NorLever01SCRIPT) of that lever, the animation in the script is called 'FullPull'. They don't match and I don't know where this value is stated to make the animation work.

This is a happy scenario, because I deduced it from the script, but if I would like to use the animation of another activator for example, where should I look for the correct names of the Havok Anim? Thanks.

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