He should face off against the thalmor boss and beat him mercilessly. Tear his body apart with a telekinetic thu'um.
Nah, he needs to fade in to obscurity like the Nerevarine. It's the only way to keep everybody's role play choices viable.
Except for the Imperial Agent from Daggerfall and the Champion of Cyrodiil (debatable,) the heroes of past Elder Scrolls games just fade into obscurity after their time in the spotlight. A scant thirty years after he saved the empire, the Eternal Champion of Cyrodiil is described as an "unknown indivdual." The Nerevarine dissapears after heading to Akavir. The Battlemage Apprentance dissapears after the events of Battlespire.
The only reason we get mention of the eventual fate of the Imperial Agent and Champion of Cyrodiil is because of events in each game that MUST happen. The Imperial Agent causes a Dragonbreak, basically meaning all possible endings for Daggerfall happen... including the one where the Agent takes control of Numidium, and promptly gets killed by it. The Champion of Cyrodiil mantles Sheogorath, and there's evidence in Skyrim that the CoC went beyond posing as Sheogorath to becoming Sheogorath after the events of the Shivering Isles.
Goes to Akavir to chill with the immortal Nerevarine.
should go meet up with that nevarvine fellow
The Dragonborn(whoever he or she is) will ascend to godhood after the enantiomorphic events of Dragonborn dlc. Rumors are wild with various contradicting accounts. All we know is that the Dragonborn is suspected to have had some dealings with Hermaues Mora on Solstheim... never to be seen again.
I would accept this as canon.
Or maybe he spams whirlwind shout so they can never catch him and their spells would always miss. lolololol
Can you imagine, the Dragonborn, Nerevarine, and the now Daedric Prince CoC, all gathering together?
Honestly, the combined forces of all if Nirn wouldn't stand a chance.
Honestly , I get a feeling people who make these threads haven't played or paid attention to the lore of past TES games.
The Dragonborn will vanish in anonymity somehow.
Time would implode so badly, the Dwemer themselves would return in full force.