Apparently arrow to the knee is an old nordic slang term for being married. This changes EVERYTHING!
Apparently arrow to the knee is an old nordic slang term for being married. This changes EVERYTHING!
Source? I find it hard to believe that only now it would come to light long after the memes death.
My mate told me :/
Also, not sure if true cause ive been researching the term and I can't find anything! Was wondering if anyone could confirm. Also, there are a lot of people who talk about it as well.
I have the creepiest feeling that this has happened before
Well, that would make sense.
Except on how a wife is like an arrow, and why is she married to your knee
Why make a new thread about a topic that was locked?
Or for a woman, the man is the
But honestly I really don't believe this.
An adventurer getting wounded making him unable to travel long distances, and thus doing a more simpler duty such as guarding makes plenty of sense to me.
This makes the joke even funnier in my opinion. Since they had no bullets, the arrow was the KING projectile then. I get it!!! Hence, not married...
Ok, so how do you explain the similar "sword to the chest." line ?
Well, cupid uses a bow and arrow, so maybe it stems from that? Still doubt it.
Its refering to the fact that there is no knee greaves in Skyrim, unlike Morrowind and Oblivion. thus knees aren't protected and can get injured by arrows. No clue where that marriage thing came from.
I like to think that people have a club where they try to start telling people false things to see how many people believe it. A lot like the thing about spiders walking into peoples mouths at night and the people basically eating them.
Those are the same guys behind Santa, Steve Vai, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
It kind of makes sense when you think of it. "I used to be an adventurer like you, until I got married." (Now my spouse won't let me do anything adventurous.)
Well it wouldn't make any sense to make up something that didn't make sense.
Amren is basically like that, but its more to do with the fact he has a daughter I think
Don't re-open locked threads that were closed for spam or other reasons like that please.