Civil war thread #1

Post » Wed May 08, 2013 4:54 am

This thread is basically to argue and debate the civil war as much as we want until we hit 200 and than a new one will open and to act as a way to stop other threads from derailing into the typical debates. Seriously, we needed one of these long ago.
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 11:16 pm

We're numbering them, now? You're off by about 1721 ;)
"A united Empire is better for everyone".
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 9:50 pm

Lol the idea is that if another thread enters into a debate one of these will be posted so the debate can happen here and not the other thread to stop derailment because let's face it, everyone is getting annoyed at how many threads get derailed. Also while I support the empire I don't think it should rule over everything because than it'll just end up as the chaos that was the septim dynasty, I think just as much as the Mede's and Alessian dynasty had conquered.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 1:54 am

In continuation of the last thread, Talos worship is necessary because it prevents the Thalmor from unmaking Nirn, before he was a God the Thalmor were not trying to do this explaining why he wasn't necessary then.

I also think that it would be silly to ban a topic of discussion simply because it causes too much discussion, although it is reasonable for users to make a new thread when it hits 200. I don't think there has been a line of discussion that has given cause for such a precedent before (aside from those 'sub gradient' threads) as threads usually grow at a rate mods can lock before it balloons out too big. S

It is a good idea to have a CW thread open at all times, even though a lot of people hate the topic, having an all purpose thread that can easily be avoided (I hope it is, some people seem to be gluttons for punishment though) is better than having it all over the board.

Keeping it in a series is a nice reference point as well.

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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 6:01 am

Apparently we have to report the posts when they hit post limit, i thought that was the responsibility of the know....moderate..... :unsure2: ...

On topic. This defintely should be labeled SW thread 5428549254854938579478593.4 . Yup.

That still does not explain why he is necessary. There are 8 other gods.

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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 6:49 am

I think civil war debates would be far more interesting if it were Stendarr who got outlawed and not Talos. :tops:

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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 7:44 am

I actually agree with him, we need to stop when it gets to 200 and than start a new topic, rules are rules after all.

I would love it if stendarr was outlawed :tongue: I have no love for his vigilants or crusaders

Talos being necessary actually came from a obscure source and that source was a theory written by a mortal (in Tamriel) if I recall correctly, it could be that it was taken to exaggeration or the author was wrong.
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 5:04 am

-snip- it's best we leave the issue for now. The last thing we need is to upset THE BEAR with off-topic Civil War threads! ;)

Edit: I stand corrected by the Colonel. Apparently I need to brush up on my forum rules!

Back on-topic: does anyone well-versed in the series' lore know how many Towers the Thalmor have left to deactivate? Assuming the theory is true, of course.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 6:52 pm

Wouldn't it be much simpler if the thread just got auto closed at 200????

Is it really part of the rules? I mean its like license agreements, no one really reads them .

I could of swore there were only 3. . . .

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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 2:16 am

"This is a really silly argument btw, as this doesn't prove anything one way or the other." -ColonelKillaBee
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 7:56 pm

They're not robots, man. It's in the forum rules anyway that we are to report the post limit.

Anyway, here:

What appears to be an Altmeri commentary on Talos:

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Alexander Horton
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 4:07 am

Yea but the point is to stop derailment since it's a constant thing happening.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 12:10 am

I'm not sure what this quote was in reference to, but it can basically be applied to the whole CW debate :lol:
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evelina c
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 1:46 am

I know its part of the rules, BUT it would be much more fool proof if it was automated.

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 4:39 am

It seems that already this topic is being derailed/spammed with pointless discussion about moderation and post limits. So much for the Civil War Eh. This can be closed for a few hours whilst we decide what to do.

Blame the spammers for this close. :rolleyes:

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