Crusader armor suggestions

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:01 pm

Got bored recently and was messing around with armor combos and decided to try and sort out a holy crusader look.
Im really close but everything I think of is slightly off.

I had, dawnguard full helm and imperial armor but the armor didnt quite fit.
Then tried the same helm with winterhold guard armor but the cloth color was off. Steel plate armor is a bit too dark for the look im going for but the steel plate helm, guantlets and boots with the winterhold armor is damn close but I feel like theres a better match out there.
I know im not the only one picky when it comes to armor combinations haha. So now im open for suggestions!

I have all the dlcs so anything you can think of ill get and try out.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:39 pm

Crusaders fighting in the Holy Lands opted for lighter armor compared to the heavy armor as worn by the knights of Northern Europe so that they could move easier in the hotter climates. They copied the lighter armor methods of combat from the local Arabian and North African warriors.

I'd say go with light Dawnguard or light Imperial

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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 5:36 am

Dawnguard or Steel Plate helmet with Dawnguard Light? Steel Plate with Dawnguard helm also looks really nice. If you have a PC try the immersive armors mod, there's a few crusader-esque armors in there.

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