- Dungeon Etiquette
Remove the desecration caused by vampires, don't take anything out of coffins, bodies at rest, and burial urns. Treasure chests and the larger round urns are okay though.
Disturb the dead as little as possible.
Keep five torches on person at all times, if you don’t have enough light to go in, don’t go -Lark the Brave
Don’t drink suspicious potions. -blade
Don’t use enchanted items/ potions until tested by yourself or another mage (at an enchanting/alchemy table I would presume) - DarksunTheFirst
If you choose to take from the dead or dungeons only take gold and jewelry
Avoid sleeping in some random dungeon. No waiting either.- Edalriso
Never go alone -Gungho 1
Don’t loot until the zone is cleared- Eayri
Don’t take loot that isn’t supposed to be there (i.e., septims or new books from ancient sealed tombs) – Kniv
If you don’t know how to do something, don’t do it. Like picking locks- Wanderer303
- Wilderness Survival (Eating, sleeping, not freezing.)
There are plenty of mods that maintain this. - blade
Walk and take rests when traveling- Mcleod
If you get sick, you must [get a cure] and then stay home for a few days and rest- MistryssNite
No metal boots when walking through snow- Wishbone
Walk to cities before fast travelling (by any means) to them- Nevar Odai
If cheap or otherwise inclined, avoid sleeping in Inns when camps/ caves are available. - Pseron Wyrd
If severely injured in a fight, take time to tend and mend your wounds (I assume this means don’t continue into the dungeon until your health fully regenerates on its own)
Cut your own wood and bring it to warm up on campfires in snowy biomes
Carry camping equipment for long journeys (use your imagination)
Be sure to maintain your equipment (clean, sharpen [not tempering necessarily]) - ActionHitman(FIN)
If shelter cannot be located at night, continue travelling through till dawn- Balrog of Morgoth
Make sure 1) the food is edible 2) its not frozen 3) its not rotten- Pistolero
Collect every portion of a hunted kill out of respect for the animal- Big Iron on His Hip
Beware the night- Eayri
- Combat Etiquette
Go behind cover to drink a potion or apply a poison in battle- .joe.
Don’t over-consume potions or food during combat- LeBurns
If caught off guard, find cover before equipping different pieces (like putting on helmets) – Eayri
If there's an enemy before you, hit it, hit it dead. –ReaverLordThrall
Use the Kinect voice commands exclusively when equipping items
If they say they surrender cast fear on them and allow them to flee- Nevar Odai
Train for a little moment before going on an adventure
Perform rituals depending on your magic school- ferrykeizer
When you acquire a new spell be sure to practice with it before using it in combat- Frost Raven
- Social Etiquette
If you produce refuse, get a bathroom mod, or go out of town- Razor Chain
Sleep through your preferred time of day - Pistolero
(Unless you are a vampire hunter, "sleep is for the weak")
Don’t be greedy with shrines. The gods don’t have time to give you nifty little blessings and cure your diseases every time you want (mainly, don’t use city shrines)
Radiant quests for factions need doing more often than the story stuff- Nevar Odai
Bathing- Greg Scott Neuman
Bathe before visiting Jarls- ActionHitman(FIN)
Eat and drink at appropriate times- [the average RPer]
Wear warm heavy clothing when snowing, then change when inside
Celebrate holidays -mcleod
Don’t use a dead person's equipment even if better than yours (it is fitted to them); make it, buy it or get it as a reward from a quest
If you go past an inn: order food, drink, and then sleep for more than 5 hours
Use the "wait" option for 1 hour only if needed
Sneak when opening locks- Edalriso
Don't take challenges lightly
Respect hierarchy- Xeivous
Always browse the markets or stores- Gungho 1
Use Carriages when travelling rather than fast travel
No rushing in cities, there is no need to be in and out in a day- Eayri
Keep things of value (jewelry) so they aren’t used against you
Don’t sell potions/ poisons with mixed effects- xoham
Spend time cooking meals - Choco Chochigulous
Avoid eating raw cooking materials as meals- Emperor Charles
If the above is unavoidable, stick to apples bread and sweet rolls- djAMPnz
Dispose of bodies in fire or water- Sammy Adams
Start/ stop your adventures (save) in an Inn or home- Gizmo
Always keep your weapon sheathed, unless necessary- Darkfire
Spend the evening drinking and carousing, but make the time spent realistic- Sundance
- NPC Interactions
Imagine real conversations when lacking, or mod in new ones- blade
Donate often to the poor when carrying more than enough to cover "basic expenses"- Lark the Brave
Buy food and indigents from stalls and farms- mcleod
If you are interested in someone, you must talk with them a lot. It's the same with children. - MistryssNite
Followers need potions too – Eayri
Followers that are your friends should get the best gear you can spare- Myst357
Sell things that wouldn’t make for competition (weak potions, no serious buffing equipment) - xoham
Don't skip dialogue
Make sure that followers are properly equipped for wilderness, dungeons and cities
Set followers to relax when at an inn- Fenist Brightfalcon
Use Kinect voice commands exclusively to order followers
Friends can be asked on favors of equal weight, mercenaries can be hired to clear a single dungeon. Only guild mates/ housecarls can accompany you everywhere for anything- Nevar Odai
Treat NPCs the way they treat you, even if they are quest givers- Shimanuelle
Don’t forget to feed your animals- ely
- Religious/ Social/ Political Affairs
If part of civil war:
Use the stationed forts and camps as rest stops- Eayri
Don’t resurrect the glorious fallen dead, friend or foe- ferrykeizer
If "good":
Avoid anything Daedric related as much as possible
Take poisons, but not to use (to destroy)- Lark the Brave
If Divine worshiper, try and go to the chapel every morning- mcleod
Don't drain blood or take body parts from decent people- Gungho 1
Stalk individuals in the wild that you think are up to no good- Eayri
Steer clear of shady doings- Gizmo
It is a bad idea to give one's eternal soul to a Daedra or to allow yourself to become a Lycanthrope or Vampire – LeBurns
If you’re a healer, don’t avoid healing both imperial and stormcloaks wounded in camps- zen1966
Never resurrect the innocent or people who have done you no harm
No undead thralls or slaves of any sort- ferrykeizer
If "evil":
If you’re a daedra worshiper, try to go on a pilgrimage every month-mcleod
Assume penalty for murder is death if caught- Oddish
Allow crimes to go cold/ make alibies- Play2Win
Worship the Daedra and do their bidding
Pickpocket constantly despite personal wealth
Create your own stealth missions/ heists
Kill guards
Drink Skooma and eat moon sugar constantly- Big Iron on His Hip
- Creature Transformation.
When you transform into a Were-Creature, imagine that all of your inventory is thrown away at the place of the transformation , and obviously after that you "have to go take it back".- Blade
Brave the sun for shopping purposes only, it’s very uncomfortable for vampires
Don’t shoot the Sun unless it’s from concealment, people will panic- Uriel Nocturne
Go ahead and use the compass as a werewolf, you would be able to smell the locations
Make sure you have follower trust before transforming in front of them
If WW, sleep shorter nights because you are restless.
Don’t have an interest in most regular or cooked foods, and instead just eat as your creature would- Eayri
If you’re a Vampire, only sleep for 3 hours max because of nightmares (in previous games they were literal)- Nevar Odai
Feed before returning to family while trying to maintain family innocence and ignorance- Play2Win