Is it just me or should the Thieves guild in Skyrim have been more like the one in Oblivion? I prefer the one in Oblivion because it's more Robin Hood like with the beggars and stuff.
What are your thoughts on this subject?
Is it just me or should the Thieves guild in Skyrim have been more like the one in Oblivion? I prefer the one in Oblivion because it's more Robin Hood like with the beggars and stuff.
What are your thoughts on this subject?
That depends, I assume there are different Thieves guilds per province and each have their own rules and modem operandi.
I never joined the Oblivion one, but I think the Skyrim one was OK. Thieves are generally not nice people, sorry to say.
Each Thieves Guild is different. it was good to see something different than what we saw in Cyrodiil. i never liked the robin hood method anyway.
Unless they wear green with a feather in the hat, are a badass marksman, and have a band of merry men, oh and lets not forget that they have to steal from the rich and give to the poor XD
Had to say it.
Deviants? errm not sure it has those but i think i see where you are coming from.
I actually prefer the setup of Skyrim's Thieves' Guild, since they actually feel like a, you know, Thieves' Guild.
Oblivion TG was superiorly written, though, as was pretty much every guild.
I see where he is coming from, but that Blackguard armor is actual thief armor unlike Linwe's armor (same model by the way just different enchantments) which is assassin armor, Linwe's armor is also good for a Robin hood type character, use Black guard when buying and selling but use Linwe's armor when doing archery stuff so it does not look like you changed armor.
I just hate the fact that they start out as bullies and thugs and after you become their leader there is nothing you can do to change it. It would have been great to actually lead or direct the guilds actions to one way or another and then hear the townspeople talk about it.
At least in the OB guild there was no forced
I just wish any TES game could make a Thieves guild like what was in BG2, where when you become the leader you are actually the leader. You send people out on jobs and collect the proceeds. TES can do that and then just have special quests that the leader can take.
Well they act like thieves at least, in real life most thieves wouldn't care how much money you have because thieve's don't always take money, in fact if you have an xbox or any other gaming system, and even a pc at home a thief could still totally ignore those and focus their attention on your shoes. Leburns, there kind of was a forced contract with a daedra in the Oblivion guild. Take a guess who the cowl actually belongs to . . .
i like the thieves guild in skyrim they are thieves !
Nar when I join a thief's guild I want then to be a vicious bunch of thugs that would rob an old lady of her last septum not do gooders.
I must say that I like the Skyrim version better. It feels like the Mafia. Especially if you later do the Influence quests and than can tell the guards to look the other way if you get caught makes you really feel like you are a part of the arguably most influential criminal organisation in Skyrim
That's a bandit, not a sanctioned (unofficially) guild of the Empire.
In reality a bandit would be classified as a type of thief.
Not relay its more of an attitude my point is that a thieves guild should be filled with morally reprehensible characters not robin hood type good guys.
I guess you guys are right. Thanks for your opinions!
i like the skyrim guild better but i would like the quest to actually be about stealing stuff rather than "hoho save the guild ohoho from evil ohoho"