I have a RP in mind where I want to turn my Nord barbarian into a vamp lord but was wondering if maybe level 25 is too late to turn a barbarian into a magical creature. I've never put a point in magic nor do I know any spells, he was a pure 2H warrior. I've found that I like the look of the warhammer Voldenrung with the vamp lord thing but it seems that magic is pretty much a necessity now, especially in vamp lord form.
What skills/perks would you recommend me working on? I've heard that the Necromage perk is a must for vamps as it makes them stronger somehow and Illusion seems to be a vamps calling but I'm not a fan of the trixxy stuff. I don't know anything about vamps in Skyrim besides how to kill them ha so any tips or tricks would be much appreciated thanks. Basically anything that would seem suitable to his style or make him stronger.
In case you're curious, this is what he looks like: http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx34/lordtru/20130506_232553_zps331c4ae1.jpg
I have a RP story in mind where he's been buried in Skyrim for ages and was one of the original vamps that time has forgotten, something stirred his slumber and now he seeks to reclaim his power and castle. I'm tossing around a backstory where he was a mighty barbarian that was corrupted/cursed by Molag Bal but haven't really fleshed it out yet. I like how the Stormcloak officer armor (minus silly bear hat) seems to suit this style lovely, especially with the mighty Voldenrung on his back