Yeah, so Whenever I equip a armor from this mod it just appears as pink dragonbone, anyone had this issue before? tried reinstalling didn't work.
Yeah, so Whenever I equip a armor from this mod it just appears as pink dragonbone, anyone had this issue before? tried reinstalling didn't work.
Pink means it's missing a texture. I'd suspect it's not installed properly or the resources are corrupted.
It works perfectly for me too. As TojKa says it's missing a texture so I would try re-installing first. If that doesn't work I would try re-downloading and re-installing.
Try setting your texture quality to "High", and see if it renders correctly.
I have a thread concerning my issues with rendering textures from beth archives here:
Yeah so, ive tried changing my textures between low, med, and high, uninstalled the mod, ive even redownloaded NMM and my mods still getting the pink dragonbone texture bug...
You could always try install the mod manually as well. Though this does make it harder to uninstall. However, there is a way around this - install via NMM then manually install the meshes & textures. Doing this should theoretically let you properly uninstall via NMM if needed, and should ensure you have all the texture & mesh files installed correctly.
So if you haven't already, I'd suggest installing the mod via NMM, then using a program such as WinRAR to unzip the immersive armor's zip file, then copy the Texture & Mesh folder from the unzipped file to your Skyrim/Data file (say Yes to override), and see if that resolves your pink texture bug issue your having.
1) Are you installing Immersive Armors V6?
2) Do you use UNP? if so, are you also installing the UNP Support file?
Your last bet would be to unpack the beth archives of the mod your having issues with to your \Data folder.
I meant to post that I got it sorted, the textures were in a seperate folder I just deleted them and redownloaded the mod.
They are in their proper place and the mods working now. thanks for the help guys.