I noticed an odd issue when I opened the CK up to check a few things after coming back to Skyrim from an extended absence. Certain spells used for racial abilities are not showing up on the race dialog and possibly elsewhere. EX: The Skeever race has an ability that allows it to give the player Ataxia. Looking at the SkeeverRace in the editor shows an empty list under the spell effects under the general tab. However, when I look at the use info for the spell that gives Ataxia it is showing the SkeeverRace as one?
Possibly related, are spells/abilities that are inherited either from the base actor or the race supposed to show up on the Editor under spell lists? I tried looking at the player summoned flame atronach to see what the weakness to fire magnitude they have as a racial ability was, and I could find it neither on the actor or the base actor it derived from. I actually had to go to flame atronach race entry and fortunately the ability was displayed there unlike the ataxia ability for skeevers. I've not looked at the CK for a good 4 or 5 months and can't remember if its always been this way.
I did try validating the CK through Steam, and it download 35 files (what they were I've no idea), but the issue is still persisting.
Update: The files downloaded when I verified the cache was stuff like editorprefs the papyrus source files(which I've since re-replaced with the SKSE ones).