The path to the greybeards is a perilous one for a lower level like myself and I'm not talking about the thousand steps. The road East of Whiterun has danger lurking on every corner; large bandit groups, troll caves, bears, dragons, giants camps, the list goes on. However using my trusty compass and map I managed to steer clear of these threats, carving a path through the woods and sticking close to the mountains rocky base. I was almost in the clear, Ivarstead was close. It was at this moment I encountered a problem in the form of a deep gorge. I scanned along to see how far it stretched, it was far indeed and no sign of a bridge. But looking down the crevass I spotted a fallen tree bridging the gap, it was precarious but it would save me a long walk back to the dangerous path. I decided to go for it, creeping out along the slender trunk, it was covered in bracken and I couldn't see the end. I looked down into the abyss bellow, one wrong move and I would be a dead dragonborn. It was a tense few moments before I reached the middle, at which point a wood elf, with blade drawn, emerged before me from the branches of the fallen tree demanding I pay a toll. I panicked, he would strike me and I would fall to my death. But then a thought, I grinned wickedly to myself. FUS! and he was gone. I crossed the tree and made it to Ivarstead unscathed.
Just a funny little moment I had playing Skyrim the other day that I wanted to share.