Have a quick question? Need a quick answer? If you have not had any luck with the Creation Kit Wiki, post away and hopefully someone will have the answer(s) you seek.
I just use GameHour.Mod(fHowMuch). Haven't seen or heard about these adverse effects. The only thing I noticed is that it doesn't effect the duration of applied spells, but everything else (day/night cycle, RegisterForUpdate(GameTime), Utility.Wait) all seem to be modified properly. I'm pretty sure packages update immediately as well.
you need to create a quest with empty or dummy properties (of whatever type you need)
then create a script property in each magiceffect you want to be able to communicate with oneanother
quest script(on quest or alias)
MagicEffect script
important note: you will want to make sure that you select the script running on the right quest/referencealias for the 'dum' property under the properties of the magiceffect script.
just as an example, script may be buggy as I don't have access to a Papyrus editor atm
does anyone know what http://www.creationkit.com/GetInCurrentLocFormList does?
from what it sounds like i'd guess it checks if a reference of a type in a form list is in a location...?
LOL All three of you said the same thing with different wording haha, that's cool.
That is it exactly, Thank you!
I have since figured out putting desired shared Properties in a Quest, for the magicEffect script to fill during some event.
Your solution is for a single instance is it not? The dummy script receives a pointer to the actor in the onEffectStart() call, effectively tying it to one actor/magicEffect ? If I need to apply this to multiple actors, I would need a dummyScript for each one, no?
What is the best way for detecting time changes due to player waiting, sleeping and fast travelling?
Sleeping: onSleep()
Waiting: isInMenuMode()
Fast Travel: ?
All of these could potentially go into a script extending referenceAlias right? Event driven methods would be the best to avoid registering for update overhead, but that is onSleep() only as far as I can tell.
EDIT: Never mind, found my answer. SKSE requried. A script extending referenceAlias w/
RegisterForSleep() RegisterForMenu("MapMenu") RegisterForMenu("Sleep/Wait Menu")
These events can be used to fire off some updates to determine how much time has passed using:
int hw = Game.QueryStat("Hours Waiting") int hs = Game.QueryStat("Hours Slept")
Another quick question. How do I make a 'Utility' Script?
I have many small code bits, such as :
Scriptname kvwcUtil Hidden; Format float number for fixed decimalsstring Function formatFloat(float f, int decPlaces) String s = f as string int p = StringUtil.Find(s, ".", 0) return stringUtil.subString(s, 0, (p + decPlaces + 1) )endFunction
But errors (cannot call the member function ... must call it on a variable) show this script needs to be attached to something. I cannot call with just kvUtil.formatFloat(1.234, 2). Can I make a script that does not need to be attached?
EDIT. Never mind.
string Function formatFloat(float f, int decPlaces) global
Does anyone have any general tips for navmeshing effectively?
I was putting some weapon racks in my house and they work perfectly fine all except for a message displayed on the screen when I put a weapon on there. It say "Returning Persistent Reference" Has anyone seen that before or know what that's all about?