I'm simply setting a stage and the debug message in the stage fragment says the stage (stage 10) is being set, but sqv for my quest says it's still at stage 20, and the packages dependent on this stage aren't working. I have the quest set for repeated stages. I don't get it because I need that stage reset to validate a package. I'm setting the stage via the script below. Do you see anything wrong with that perhaps? (it appears to be working correctly because the message on the stage fragment is showing the stage is getting set.)
if (BalokTrainingScenes.IsRunning()) BalokTrainingScenes.SetCurrentStageID(10)elseif (BalokTrainingScenesSons.IsRunning()) BalokTrainingScenesSons.SetCurrentStageID(10)elseif (BalokTrainingScenesImperial.IsRunning()) BalokTrainingScenesImperial.SetCurrentStageID(10)else ;do nothingendif