I'm having fun mapping out some future character builds, and I'd like some input. Preferably useful or constructive, but silly or nonscensical is also welcome if needs be
First Build!
Medusa-like. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1456372-ideas-for-making-a-medusa-build/ generated some good thoughts, so I wanted to try my hand at a "so themed" character.
- Archery. Full perk tree
- Sneak. Likely full perk tree but at least up to the extra bow damage
- Light Armor. I'm debating here. Either I'll invest in light armor and wear some sort of hide/forsworn/clothing combination, or! I'll bypass this all together and go with more of a "mage" build where I use spells and not wear armor. In that case I'll be perking into Alteration.
- Alteration. ? see Light Armor above.
- Restoration. Necromage Perk?
- One Handed or Two Handed. ? I'm not sure if I should bother, since I'll be focused on the bow. However it might be nice to keep a specially enchanted sword on hand for face to face encounters. And I was thinking "If I suddenly pull out a sword, why not a Greatsword! or a Battle Ax!" I don't know how "lore breaking" this would be for Medusa, but I'm doing a parody of her. Perhaps a gorgon sister or the like.
- Alchemy. ? She would mix her own potions right? Health and Stamina, also her paralyze potions.
- Bow/Arrow combo. I might try and upgrade a simple Fine Bow or Hunting Bow to make it as viable as possible for as long as possible. I'm even considering playing withe the Resto Loop just to make a pair of smithing gloves so I can boost that Fine Bow's damage to a reasonable level so that the bow can remain viable into level 60. But I'm not sure I'll go that crazy. Perhaps keep it O'Natual for a long while. At any rate, what bow type do you think fits Medusa?
- Light Armor/ Clothing. All I can come up with is Hide Armor and the Forsworn sets. Thoughts?
- Alteration Spells. I'll be needing some sheild spells should I opt for the "no armor" feature. Also, I think Alteration has the Paralyze spell, right?
- Illusion Spells. Does it sound reasonable that I could take a fear spell to simulate Medusa's "fearsome" visage? Perhaps the muffle spell to aid her sneaking (snakes are silent killers).
- Conjuration. I'm not sure about this one. I thought that perhaps the swords she "might" use are the conjured blades, thus eliminating her need to always carry one...but again, I don't know how into magic Medusa was in Mythology.
- Restoration. Would I use spells to heal? or rely solely on potions. I'm thinking potions, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
- Destruction. No.
- Enchanting. ? Maybe to "RP" that those weapons were given to her...or perhaps she's just badass like that.
This next one is more straightforward.
Ice Witch. Aside from the obvious mage gear and spells focusing on Ice spells, what else should be included?
Which race would better fit an Ice Witch named Winterscorn. (and that's *Winter-Scron* not Winters-Corn )
Next I'm looking at making a "Witch Hunter" type character, but one that uses magic.
Like a Vigilant type. Any thoughts on Race, Build, Gear? I only have some vague ideas myself.
Perhaps for these last two you might link me a thread that talked about such builds, if you feel so inclined