» Wed May 08, 2013 12:37 pm
Higher makes sense, but not lower. I guess I'm just thinking of how Crackdown did the air stomp, really. If you were at all above the ground they landed on, or your head (roughly) was below the ground they landed on, then it would do no damage. Another thing is that the distance you fell while doing the stomp made a difference in damage done, and I'm fairly certain that's not how it is in Crysis. Honestly, I think it worked better that way, but the Ground Strike (as they called it) also had fewer drawbacks than Crysis' Air Stomps, such as being able to get up much quicker after landing.
I think that's what it really comes down to, though. I'm comparing Crysis 2/3 to Crackdown 2, and it's starting to frustrate me, because Crackdown 2 was made in 6 months, and felt much better to me than C2/3 ever has. I love both series, but Crysis still feels like it's missing out on so much of it's potential.