I hadn't done the Main Quest for ages and picked it up again with my new PC. I remembered that Alvor got killed in a dragon raid early in my first play through and that bugged me. First, he's a great vendor and second, you get sentimental with him because he be-friends you early in the game, let's you take stuff, gives you lessons etc. So this time around, I was determined to protect him.
I finished the quest in the Thalmor embassy, after which, you go meet Delphine in the Riverwood. I fast traveled to Riverwood directly and, sure enough, dragon attack .... and there's dead Alvor. D***! I revert to the earlier save, fast travel to Whiterun stables and walk to Riverwood. BAM - dragon attack and dead Alvor. I'm also stripped of my gear (cause you give everything to Delphine before the embassy party) so I'm not up to speed. I can't kill the dragon quickly.
I re-played this attack something like seven times (pretty much my entire free time for the night) and couldn't save Alvor once! The only time he survived was the one time I hit an NPC with destruction magic and they all turned hostile so I had to scrap that play through and revert. SIgh - so is he destined to die? I gave up, he's lying in the street in front of the Sleeping GIant Inn.
And why didn't bleeping Delphine come out of the inn to fight the dragon? Hello? Dragon fighting member of the blades? There's a DRAGON in TOWN! Frustrating.
Anybody have thoughts on keeping Alvor alive? (I also tried going in to get my gear and then fighting but it took too long).