I bet you all thought you'd heard the last of me, aye? Nope, just been trying to sort out upgrades for my computer so I can do what I want to do in the future!
Anyways, one of the major things I want to do is build my own army for my future annexed Falkreath Hold. I've always envisioned a dragon themed army, with troops and other followers who would be kitted out with a menagerie of dragonesque uniforms, weapons and equipment, some of which, the specialist core units, would have armor and weapons that mimic actual dragons! I was expecting to have to do them all myself, but it seems that other modders have beaten me to it with at least two designs.
First is the now pretty old http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18028 armor, which actually does fit the bill of what I was looking to do myself. The other that I know of is a recent suit of armor known as "Ancient Dragon Knight Armor", which again fits right into the sort of armor I had planned for a "http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35731/" unit (right down to the dragon's head nose guard!). He's even thought of doing open faced helms that I can use for officers!
When I say specialist units I mean that most of them will be kitted out to fight either in different environments or fight certain types of foes. For example, I decided a while back that the Silver Dragons would be equipped to fight the undead, especially vampires and hostile werewolves. During my break from Skyrim I've been taking notes about certain types of dragon, and the Red Dragons will be specialists in fighting in moorland and mountainous terrain, because that's where the dragon in question lives. Get where I'm going here?
Well, that gives you a bit of an idea of what I've been planning. I'll probably have to do all the other core specialist dragon units myself. But one idea I did have, other than giving the different units weapons and armor that go with their dragon type, I'll probably also look into hopefully modding them all to be able to give shouts that, again, mimic the type of breath weapons of their specific dragons!