Anyone else falling to insanity like this?
Preaching the word of almighty Talos is not insanity.
Are you sure you weren't crazy before Skyrim? For myself, I have found myself shouting "Stop spiking me" at my computer monitor every time Serana hits me in the back during a fight. This may not be crazy, but it might be a little bit unstable.
I found myself wanting to buy my next show horse one that looks like Shadowmere and I want to call her shadowmere I'm leaning towards getting a Friesian..
Yup same here (though minus the 'filthy').
I'm always identifying alchemy ingredients when I walk around and see plants/mushrooms. Mind you, these aren't the actual items, they just look the same. Mexican sage? ooooh! Lavendar.
ha I've actually said once "aww did someone steal your sweetroll?" in the condescending tone that guards use
We used to stay at a cabin for a week in winter in upstate NY, it definitely has a Skyrim thing going on when you're in a woodsy part. I miss Whitefang now
At least you're not demanding canis root tea every time someone offers you something to drink.
"If you're crazy and you know it clap your hands! If you're crazy and you know it, clap your hands!"
I do that all the time with Heimskr's speech. Sometimes I say "To Oblivion with you" to people. The urge just creeps up on me.
"And THERE it is friends. The ugly, TRUTH."
Now I'm gonna be muttering it all day at work...
I actually made Apple Cabbage Stew because it sounded so good. It is delicious.