[RELzWIPz] Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Thread #32

Post » Thu May 09, 2013 8:33 am

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Version: 1.3.2
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team


Requires Skyrim version or greater.


This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Skyrim. If you're experiencing a bug with Skyrim, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/tracdown/categories/12-unofficial-skyrim-patch/. Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. There are conglomerate entries for object placement (if it doesn't affect gameplay), text errors, and inappropriate dialog (again, that doesn't affect quests or other gameplay) so please use those entries if that's what you're reporting. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Skyrim bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Skyrim experience!

(Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted)


Previous Threads: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1358353, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1359350, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1362032, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1364672, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1366865, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1376513, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1383605, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1387617, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1396806, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1401060, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1404641, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1408369, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1411328, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1413944, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1416394, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1420181, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1423833, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1429096, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1432087, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1433407, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1435968, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1436913, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1438579, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1439653, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1440785, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1442963, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1446254, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1448502, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1450753, http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?showtopic=1455269

AndalayBay - For hosting the USKP Beta and providing it a forum, as well as help with transferring control of the bug tracker information to Bugzilla.
Arthmoor - For stepping in to take over the unofficial patch projects and coordinating the various community reports and submissions into the final products.
BlueDanieru - For the Ancient Knowledge fix
Brumbek - For the fixed Thalmor Embassy building and entranceway
MadCat221 - For the fixed female Blades, Ebony, Iron (and Banded) Steel (and Plate) Cuirasses
Martigen, ThrottleKitty and Amgepo - For the fixed permanent remains and stacking Nirnroot glows
Phitt - For the fixed male Ebony Cuirass
PrinceShroob - For numerous fixes to quests, NPCs, items and more
DayDreamer - For help with porting the bug tracker over to Dark Creations and for help with fixing bugs
Jackstarr - For the audio fix correcting "Morang Tong" -&--#62; "Morag Tong"
alt3rn1ty - For the replacement archery target textures.

Version: 1.3.2

USKP Fixes
  • Heimskr had been accidentally swapped to prisoner robes due to a missing condition in the event that sends him to prison when the Imperials win Whiterun. (Bug #12116)
  • The USKP added load screen for silver weapons affecting werewolves has been updated to use the slightly more generic term "lycanthropes" since Dragonborn introduces werebears. (Bug #12492)
  • landscape/dirtcliffs/dirtcliffscornerout01.nif was edited for UV fixes but ended up with the wrong texture on it after the fixes were done. (Bug #12494)

Game Mechanics Fixes
  • The Elemental Fury shout was not working correctly with bows or with dual wielded weapons, and was not applying the speed multiplier correctly for any weapons. (Bug #9249, Bug #9250)
  • The leveled spell entries LSpellWEBattlemageFireLeftHand and LSpellWEBattlemageFireRightHand have the level settings for Fireball and Firebolt backward. (Bug #12203)
  • Angarvunde could not be marked as cleared because the dungeon lacked a flagged boss actor. A draugr boss has been placed near the word wall and flagged so the dungeon will now clear. (Bug #12432)
  • AI pack DefaultHoldPositionCurrentLoc256 was incorrectly set to a radius of 128. (Bug #12499)
  • AI pack KarthwastenSauranachMineSandbox8x12Package had no start time or duration set. (Bug #12486)
  • AI pack DragonBridgeLumberCamp6x12 incorrectly started at 8am instead of 6am. (Bug #12486)
  • AI pack KynesgroveRoggeEatDinner19x3 incorrectly started at 9am instead of 7pm which caused a scheduling conflict for Rogge in Kynsegrove. (Bug #12486)
  • AI pack WindhelmNilsWorkInn14x8 should be starting at 16 instead of 14 to avoid a scheduling conflict. (Bug #12482)
  • AI pack WindhelmGrimvarSleep22x10 did not have its start time and duration set correctly. (Bug #12482)
  • AI pack SolitudePalaceLobbySandbox8x12 incorrectly started at 12 instead of 8. (Bug #12480)
  • AI pack AbeloneEatPackage6x1 was erroneously set to start at 12 when there is already a 12x1 package. (Bug #12478)
  • AI pack MarkarthAicantarEat20x2Package had no start time or duration, causing it to block the remainder of Aicantar's schedule. (Bug #12478)
  • Skeletons and Dragon Priests were fighting each other when they mixed because the Dragon Priest faction didn't have SkeletonFaction listed as a friend. (Bug #12519)
  • The sound from the Elemental Fury shout could become permanently stuck on if the currently equipped weapons failed to accept the enchantment. (Bug #12514, Bug #5058)
  • Witbane acquired from traps was not set to the correct magnitude to produce the effect of 50% slower magicka regeneration. (Bug #12533)
  • The blizzard spell's damage value was being augmented by the caster's spell resistance when this should not have been happening. (Bug #10532)
  • Lightning Storm erroneously had the script to generate ash piles attached to its associated magic effect (ShockDamageMassConcAimed) which would result in generating one pile per kill regardless of whether you had the disintegration perk or not. With the perk, two piles would be spawned. (Bug #9651)
  • All spells which used the Damage Stamina effect (EnchStaminaDamageFFContact) were enhanced by the Augmented Flames perk due to the effect erroneously having the MagicDamageFire keyword attached. (Bug #12439)
  • An errant script was attached to the effect used by the Make Ethereal shout (VoiceMakeEthereal) which caused Papyrus errors to be thrown because it had no properties set. (Bug #12186)
  • The Block Runner and Shield Charge perks were still usable while sneaking due to the lack of a proper check to see if the player is in sneak mode. (Bug #167)
  • The navmesh inside the Thalmor HQ in Solitude was not fully complete. (Bug #12259)
  • Fired iron arrows (ArrowIronProjectile) were flagged as "supersonic" which caused them to make out of place sounds when flying past the player. (Bug #12635)
  • Followers could not join you at Ironbind Overlook due to the lack of a navmesh connection to the door on the upper level of the dungeon.
  • Lack of preferred pathing outside of Thaumaturgist's Hut in Morthal caused NPCs to take the long way around the building every time instead of the ground level path.
  • Followers could not join you in jumping from the shortcut path to leave Nchuand Zel after completing Lost Expedition due to the lack of a navmesh jump connector.
  • Several merchants were missing the bonus gold from the Master Trader perk despite the perk specifically stating ALL merchants in the world should have it.
  • Wuuthrad was not inflicting its bonus damage on orcs despite them being Elves who should be affected by it. Perk C06BladeOfYsgramorPerk did not have orc or orc vampires set.
  • AI Pack MorthalAslfurSleep0x7 Was set to use the editor location for sleeping, which would cause Pactur to return to Stonehills each night to sleep instead of staying in Morthal as expected when he becomes Sorli's steward.

Actor Fixes
  • Possible fix for Kodlak ending up naked on the floor of Jorrvaskr at the end of Blood's Honor (C04). Added his equipment directly to his inventory. (Bug #12157)
  • Bjartur has two lines of idle dialogue to use in the Solitude Jail, but because of an error in setting up the conditions, they would never play. Since her only dialogue is unfitting after the Stormcloaks take Solitude, she will be disabled after the city is taken. (Bug #12501)
  • Angrenor Once-Honored could not perform his complete AI schedule due to his eat package being blocked by his general sandbox package and because his patrol package had no start time or duration set. (Bug #12482)
  • Nurelion could not perform his full AI schedule due to his breakfast and dinner packages having no start times or durations. (Bug #12482)
  • Gularzob could not perform his full AI schedule due to his patrol package blocking due to incorrect time settings. (Bug #12480)
  • General Tullius never slept due to his castle command package having a bad duration setting. (Bug #12475)
  • The guards at Sarethi Farm were not linked to their XMarkers and thus would not patrol the area. (Bug #12465)
  • The guards at Snow-Shod Farm had no patrol route data set up and would thus be standing totally idle all the time. (Bug #12465)
  • None of the housecarls were able to sandbox throughout the whole house they're assigned to protect. New packages to allow them to do this "in cell" instead of with a defined radius have been generated for them. (Bug #12366)
  • With Patch 1.9, dunCragslaneLvlBanditGuard was intended to get flagged to respawn. In the process of doing so, his activation name was lost AND his combat style was erroneously set to Dremora instead of 1H warrior. (Bug #12481)
  • Red Eagle, Warlord Gathrik, and Yngol could all spawn as dragon priests at higher levels. The backstories behind these characters makes this extremely unlikely to have been the case. Plus, in the case of Warlord Gathrik, spawning him as a dragon priest will break the quest at Ironbind Barrow. (Bug #12470)
  • Drifa uses Pawned Prawn greetings even when she's not manning the store after Bersi dies. (Bug #12027)
  • The 3 Galdur sons in Reachwater Rock spawn above the ground and then "step" down due to bad linked reference settings. (Bug #12576)
  • Elgrim's Elixirs never locked up at night because the NPCs there both had sleep packages that weren't set to lock the doors, likely due to Elgrim's AI package bugs which were fixed. (Bug #12579)
  • Legate Rikke will now assume her more relaxed post-war schedule. Packages CWMapTableSandboxSolitude and CWRikkeSandboxFactionHQ were not conditioned to stop running when Ulfric was dead.
  • General Tullius will now assume his more relaxed post-war schedule. CWMapTableSandboxSolitude was not set to stop running when Ulfric was dead.
  • Galmar will now assume his slightly more relaxed post-war schedule. CWGalmarSandboxFactionHQ was not set to stop running when General Tullius was dead.

Item Fixes
  • The following scrolls were missing the VendorItemScroll keyword: MassParalysisScroll, BaneOfTheUndeadScroll, CandlelightScroll, ConjureFamiliarScroll, CourageScroll, ConjureFlameAtronachScroll, CalmScroll, FastHealingScroll, EbonyFleshScroll, BanishDaedraScroll, ConjureFrostAtronachScroll, ConjureStormAtronachScroll, CommandDaedraScroll, DreadZombieScroll, ExpelDaedraScroll, DeadThrallScroll, ChainLightningScroll, BlizzardScroll, HarmonyScroll, CallToArmsScroll, CircleOfProtectionScroll, GuardianCircleScroll, DragonhideScroll (Bug #12267)
  • Weapon speed on the Ebony Blade was missed when the adjustments were made to the other two handed swords. (Bug #12497)
  • Some miscellaneous clutter objects have been given names so they can be picked up. (Bug #12535)
  • Nord Hero Arrows were set with too high a damage value. Other Nord Hero items are in line with Elven stats, so these arrows now do the same damage as Elven arrows. (Bug #12523)
  • Imperial swords should be marked as WeapMaterialImperial instead of WeapMaterialSteel. (Bug #12522)
  • Leveled list LItemWeapon1HIronAndSteelOnly mistakenly contained a light source instead of the expected iron & steel war axes that should have been there. (Bug #12495)
  • Leveled list LItemWeaponBattleAxe is missing the orcish battleaxes. (Bug #12489)
  • Frostbite Venom and Lotus Extract lacked the VendorItemPoison keyword and could not be sold to apothecary merchants. (Bug #12556)
  • Interior load doors for Windhelm's Palace incorrectly generated wood sound instead of metal sound. (Bug #10354)
  • LItemEnchNecklaceResistMagic should not have been configured to randomize its results against all levels due to being used as a reward for Brelyna's Practice. (Bug #12595)
  • The worn shrouded gloves found in the Dawnstar Sanctuary (DBArmorGlovesWornPlayable) did not have the double backstab enchantment attached as they should have.

Quest Fixes
  • During Hail Sithis (DB11) the game was trying to trigger the scene quest for the Katariah soldiers after the Emperor's assassination, which resulted in errors being logged.
  • Previous fixes for Derkeethus and his quest exposed another bug. He had no alias package to keep him parked in Darkwater Pass before the player went there to rescue him. (Bug #12477)
  • The Revelers random quest (WERJ06) should properly terminate now when the NPCs load out of memory after the player leaves. (Bug #12338) [NR]
  • During Arniel's Endeavor (MGRArniel02) the Staff of Tandil is never taken from the player and given to Enthir. (Bug #12256)
  • In A Return To Your Roots (NN01) the counter that keeps track of Crimson Nirnroots can't stay sync'd up if multiple roots are added to or dropped from inventory. (Bug #12212)
  • Urag would repeat the lengthy introduction to Shalidor's Insights (MGR21) every time it started because the tracker variable reset every time. (Bug #12189)
  • Out of Balance (MGR02) is intended to be a repeatable radiant quest but the script to restart it was not set up properly. It will now trigger itself the same way MGR01 does. (Bug #12181)
  • The unique bandit Hajvarr Iron-Hand and his henchmen should no longer respawn in White River Watch once Hajvarr Iron-Hand is dead. dunWhiteRiverWatchQST was not being terminated properly. (Bug #12158)
  • During a civil war city battle, a quest takes citizens off the street (CWCitizensFlee). This quest was capable of filling citizen aliases with city Jarls. If it did so, then the Jarl of that city would instantly vanish back to their editor location once the finale scene for that city had completed. Note that if CWCitizensFlee is currently active the fix will not take effect. (Bug #12156)
  • After the Imperials take Windhelm, Captain Lonely-Gale is supposed to take over as steward but never did because Jorleif is never exiled. This has now been fixed. (Bug #12106)
  • Thieves Guild fishing and bedlam jobs could pick from cities other than the 5 the guild is concerned with (such as Raven Rock) which then breaks the quests progressions because they're not set up to check anywhere but Skyrim's major hold capitols. (Bug #12197)
  • Heimskr's tent should not be enabled if the Imperials have jailed him in Whiterun after the battle. (Bug #12130)
  • Courier deliveries will now identify what they are delivering to you instead of a meaningless "Items added" message. (Bug #12512)
  • If Drifa is killed prior to the end of A Chance Arrangement (TG00) it will prevent Taking Care of Business (TG01) from starting since her alias is not optional and she was never marked as essential. This is commonly called the Brynjolf "hmm" bug. (Bug #12209)
  • The fix for Bug #288 missed the narrow condition of fixing Farkas' outfit property changes if C01 wasn't started yet. (Bug #12211)
  • Maramal's scene in the Bee and Barb where he chastises the patrons for their sinful ways would not start under some conditions due to the aliases needing to be marked to allow reservations. (Bug #12139)
  • Sinding could be chosen as a target for Rescue Mission (CR08) because he was not added to the exclusion faction for that quest. (Bug #6510)
  • In Ill Met By Moonlight (DA05) the version of Sinding in the Falkreath Jail is never disabled after reaching Bloated Man's Grotto. (Bug #6510)
  • Ill Met By Moonlight (DA05) never stops once the quest is complete.
  • Due to incorrect conditions, the steward in Windhelm could prematurely tell you there are no more improvements to make to Hjerim even if the killer's mess is still present.
  • In Blood on the Ice (MS11 - By the Nine Divines! Make it stop!) it was possible for the house to be purchased before the investigation was complete, which then led to the possibility that the basic decorations would get reenabled if you had chosen to buy the bedroom decorations before the quest was over. (Bug #12078)
  • The mage paraphernalia and Stormcloak corpses that are initially found at Fort Amol were not being disabled once the fort was cleared. (Bug #12159)
  • During Animal Extermination, the AI pack used to keep the victim outside their home (CR01VictimsMillAboutOutsidePackage) should stop functioning once the beast is killed. The quest should also not be allowed to pick NPCs who have gone on to become Jarl in their city. (Bug #8813)
  • It was possible for the courier to fail to appear after completing Innocence Lost (DB01) due to the Dark Brotherhood tracking quest losing its update registration. (Bug #12230)
  • Followers and/or animal companions will become stuck inside Kilkreath Ruins after completing Break of Dawn (DA09). (Bug #408)
  • When talking to Meridia at the end of Break of Dawn (DA09) the player could begin falling to the ground and die before the timer could run out. This may have been due to the stage 500 fragment disabling the platform before the function that actually runs the fall had started. (Bug #259)
  • Infiltration (dunTrevasWatchQST) does not mark its objectives as completed as the quest progresses. (Bug #12199) [NR]
  • Red Eagle's Sword quest (dunRebelsCairnQST) could be restarted simply by revisiting either Rebel's Cairn or Red Eagle Redoubt, and it would be reset to stage 0 REGARDLESS of where in the quest you are, or whether you'd finished it already or not. With no way to know if the currently running quest is legitimate or a restart, this cannot be fixed retroactively. We can only prevent it from triggering any further restarts. (Bug #12059) [NR]
  • The Lost Expedition (dunNchuandZelQst) does not stop running once completed.
  • In Discerning the Transmundane (DA04), Septimus sometimes fails to turn into an ash pile upon reading the book. This appears to have been due to an improperly used RegisterForAnimationEvent that was referencing him as an Object instead of an Actor. (Bug #397)
  • Jaree-Ra continues to suggest seeing him when the player is bored even after Lights Out (MS07) has been accepted. (Bug #12622)
  • A bad dialogue condition on the "How do I join the Imperial Legion" topic prevented the guards in Solitude from speaking the lines. (Bug #12633)
  • If the player managed to speak to Brynjolf before encountering Maul, the objective to speak to Brynjolf would become stuck in the journal permanently.
  • If the player picks up Rayda's necklace prematurely during The Straw That Broke (FreeformIvarstead02) the quest would not advance after speaking to either Narfi or Wilhelm about Rayda.
  • In Spread the Love (FreeformRiften05) From-Deepest-Fathoms is prompted as though she were male.
  • In the random encounter with a Namira cultist (WEJS11), Sigar will always address you as though you completed The Taste of Dead (DA11) in favor of the cannibals.
  • During Recipe For Disaster (DB08) it was possible to exploit a dialogue bug when talking to Anton that would result in infinite speech bonuses for intimidation.
  • While on The Raid (FreeformRiften20) you would be flagged as trespassing in the Riften Warehouse even though the Jarl gave you the key.
  • Completing the civil war on the Stormcloak side does not close out any dangling objectives in the CWObj quest.
  • Several dialogue greetings that no longer make sense once the civil war is over have been conditioned to stop playing once it is.
  • dunAngarvundeQST never stops when completed.
  • The two main Civil War quests (CW and CWObj) will now be terminated once the war is completely over.

NIF Mesh and Texture Fixes
  • The Whiterun pool mesh next to the Talos shrine was casting an incomplete shadow. (Architecture\WhiteRun\WRTerrain\WRPondStairs01.nif) (Bug #12506)
  • Imperial long and medium banners were causing z-fighting and also had the ropes only visible on one side. (architecture\solitude\clutter\sbannerlong01.nif, architecture\solitude\clutter\sbannerlmid01.nif) (Bug #12215, Bug #12400)
  • Interior non-load doors for Windhelm's Palace generated no sounds when being opened. (architecture\windhelm\doors\whintmetalarchdoor.nif) (Bug #10354)
  • Honeycomb ingredients have an unnaturally bright glow. (critters\bee\beehoneycomb.nif) (Bug #12447)
  • Several draugr bodies used as containers were spraying blood when struck with weapons despite obviously being incapable of bleeding. (clutter\bodies\draugrbodylaying01.nif, clutter\ruins\ruinsdeaddraugrsit.nif, clutter\ruins\ruinsdeaddraugr01.nif, clutter\ruins\ruinsdeaddraugr02.nif, clutter\ruins\ruinsdeaddraugr03.nif, clutter\ruins\ruinsdeaddraugr04.nif, clutter\ruins\ruinsdeaddraugr05.nif, clutter\ruins\ruinsdeaddraugr06.nif) (Bug #12586)
  • The main support columns on the Dragonsreach porch don't quite reach the ground, resulting in a seethrough gap. (architecture\whiterun\WRInteriors\WRCastle\wrintdragonroomrib01.nif) (Bug #12532)
  • A hairline gap existed for one of the Solitude stairway pieces even when aligned properly. (architecture\solitude\interiors\slgfstasol01.nif) (Bug #12468)

Script Fixes
  • More noisy scripts have had their debug messages turned off.
  • The TurnToAsh() function in ReanimateAshPile was erroneously set to return bool when the function has no return values. (Bug #12246)
  • MQ104 Stage 65 fragment is erroneously trying to complete Objective 10 when no such objective exists.
  • TraqexplosiveGas does not perform NONE checks on the trapGasWeapon and flExplodesGasTrapOnHit properties, resulting in numerous Papyrus errors.
  • DB10 Stage 10 fragment attempts to enable a reference that was enabled by a parent marker in Stage 1, resulting in a Papyrus error.
  • DB10 Stage 60 fragment attempted to enable an object reference using a call to an actor reference instead, resulting in a Papyrus error.
  • RemovableTorchSconce01SCRIPT had incomplete logic to deal with placing a torch, leaving the cell, and returning later to have the light source enable. It also had no handling for situations where the torch should have been deleted instead of merely disabled, which could lead to minor save game bloating. (Bug #12070)
  • dunNchuandZelBookComplete had severely flawed logic that would result in duplicating the books when they were activated and then picked up by the player. It needed to be rewritten using an OnContainerChanged event in order to resolve the problem. (Bug #8398)

Text Fixes
  • Fired Nord Hero Arrows were being marked as "ArrowNordHeroProjectile" instead of "Nord Hero Arrow".
  • Spell RaceArgonianWaterbreathing: "breath" -> "breathe"
  • Book2ReligiousAncestorsandtheDunmer: "necessary" -> "necessarily" (grammar mistake)
  • The load screen for the Lady Stone implies its effect lasts "for a while" when it isn't. "for a while" has been removed from the description. (Bug #12464)
  • Text for Absorb Magicka (000aa156) is mistakenly labeled as Drain Magicka. (Bug #12430)
  • Topic WERoad09Offer: "No Thanks" -> "No, thanks."
  • dunNchuandZelQst stage 100 log: "more then capable" -> "more than capable"
  • RecipeResistFire1 incorrectly lists frost salts instead of fire salts as an ingredient. (Bug #12596)
  • RecipeResistFrost2 incorrectly lists fire salts and a gourd as ingredients. This should be frost salts for certain, and we've arbitrarily chosen silverside perch for the other. (Bug #12596)
  • EnchRobesRestorationBase: "Magica" -> "Magicka"
  • RaceArgonianResistDisease: Missing accenting on the number.
  • SPEL RaceDarkElf (000AA021), SPEL RaceRedguard (000AA023), SPEL RaceWoodElf (000AA025): Incorrect formatting on the accent for the number.
  • Cell RobbersCove01: "Robbers' Cove" -> "Robber's Cove"

Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
  • In a section of Karthspire not far from the Akaviri puzzle pillars, there are two large gaps between the floor and rock walls. These gaps are just large enough for NPCs to get wedged into with no way to get back out. A pair of wooden planks have been placed to cover the holes so this won't happen. The navmesh in this part of the dungeon was also badly constructed and has been fixed. (Bug #12188)
  • Grave Concoctions in Falkreath was not flagged with keywords to mark it as a dwelling or a store despite it being both. (Bug #12551)
  • Movarth's Lair could not be marked as cleared because the two vampire boss references were not marked with the proper location type keyword. (Bug #12526)
  • Solitude Blacksmith was not correctly flagged as a store or dwelling, and was also missing the TGBusiness keyword for Thieves Guild radiant quests even though it has all the required parts placed. (Bug #12450)
  • 5e39a: Removed the edit to this reference because the mountain piece was dropped to Z 0.0 for no apparent reason. (Bug #12544)
  • ac9b6: Moved the Golden Claw back from the edge of the counter to avoid NPCs knocking it down. (Bug #12472) [NR]
  • 000b5e64: Rocks placed to cover a large gap between here and the cliff face. (Bug #12437)
  • WinterholdFozenHearth, WinterholdRamirshouse, and WinterholdJarlsLonghouse were all set to WeatherCoast when they should be using WeatherWinterhold. (Bug #12429)
  • RiftenBollisHouse erroneously has "show sky" checked when it shouldn't, like all the other Riften houses. (Bug #12429)
  • FalkreathLodsHouse, FalkreathJarlsLonghouse, FalkreathHouseofArkay, FalkreathGrayPineGoods, FalkreathGraveConcoctions, FalkreathDengeirsHall, FalkreathDeadmansDrink, FalkreathBarracksJail, and FalkreathBarracks should all be using WeatherFalkreath instead of WeatherPineForest. (Bug #12429)
  • DawnstarBarracks should be using WeatherCoast instead of WeatherSnow. (Bug #12429)
  • WinterholdCollegeHallofAttainment is erroneously set to "show sky" when it shouldn't be.
  • 000c2988: Copy of Red Eagle's Rite partially sunken into a pillar.
  • 000e27ca, 000dee1c: Floating jugs.
  • 0005bf51: Floating sword.
  • 0006e9e2: Floating stockade pole.
  • 000BFF16: Sword stuck under collision.
  • 000F3C59: Lantern clipping a shelf.
  • 0005979B: Floating axe.
  • 000EE131: Urn clipping a wall.
  • 00089898: Floating column.
  • 000885DA: Rocks with exposed underside.
  • 000A722E: Floating hay mound.
  • 000585A4: Gap in two wall pieces.
  • 0003917B: Gap between two floor pieces.
  • 0003D22C: Gap between dirt and floor pieces.
  • 0007F575: Floating dust piles.
  • 0004894B: Gap between rock pieces.
  • 000F9340: Floating hay stack.
  • 000ADAA4: Duplicated door frame removed.
  • 000E2767: Weapon rack end cap rotated the wrong direction.
  • 00076452: Gaps on either side of this mesh.
  • 000c23f4: Floating rock pile.
  • 0004a569: Terrain piece with exposed back side.
  • 0007C601: Floating shrub.
  • 000CB134, 000CB135: Sunken barrels.
  • 00068855: Exposed road tile being used to cover a larger exposed road tile.
  • 000dfc69: Potatoes clipping a bowl.
  • There was no jump down connection for the navmesh in Orotheim to allow followers to use the shortcut to the exit.
  • There was no jump down connection for the navmesh in Swindler's Den to allow followers to use the shortcut to the exit.
  • There was no jump down connection for the navmesh in High Gate Ruins to allow followers to use the shortcut to the exit.
  • 000b1845: Floating slaughterfish eggs.
  • 000b184b: Floating barnacles.
  • The Thalmor Embassy had no north marker.
  • A scene trigger in Volskygge was placed too far from where the scene plays, resulting in the dialogue rarely being heard.
  • The White Phial (location) does not have a fire burning in Nurelion's fireplace, so he sits there staring at nothing.
  • 000c028d: Froki's Bow is set to respawn when it shouldn't. It is a unique item.
  • 0010fde7: Eorlund Grey-Mane's merchant chest was accessible by way of a terrain glitch.

The complete changelog is http://www.iguanadons.net/Unofficial%20Skyrim%20Patch%20Version%20History.html.

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