I thought there was an OnKillMove() function but after looking thru the Wiki....no, only one to detect the kill move that would need polling.
Anyway to detect that a kill move happen without polling?
I thought there was an OnKillMove() function but after looking thru the Wiki....no, only one to detect the kill move that would need polling.
Anyway to detect that a kill move happen without polling?
Aha found an easy solution for this one
Scriptname _Test_OnDyingScript extends activemagiceffect Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) if akKiller.IsInKillMove() Debug.Notification("I was killed by a kill move!") endIfendEvent
Put this in an ability on an actor, and beat him to death in melee. Message only triggered when kill moves occurred. Not sure if this IsInKillMove() applies to situations when the kill cam appears with bow/magic kills though.
Sorry man I should have been more clear, I do not want to put scripts on all the actors in the game for the mod I am working on right now.
So it has to work on a player alias script for kills on the other actors.
Only other way I'm aware of is if you set crit chance to 100% and use the OnDeath crit effect for weapons.
But of course that would mean removing the crit chance system and editing every base weapon in the game with this effect.
edit: I only just realized we were talking about kill moves as in the execution animations, derp.
Damn I suppose that makes it much harder. The OnStoryKillActor event might be too slow/late to catch the kill move. Not sure if RegisterForAnimationEvent could work either as the CK says it doesn't work for all animations.
I guess I will look at the store manager and see if anything can be done with that.
HEY good idea, at least to try... thanks.
Looks like these might work according to my animation notes: