Detect Life spell on objects possible?

Post » Fri May 10, 2013 1:46 am

Hello folks. I'm trying to get a Detect Life spell to work on objects besides living things. I've duplicated existing effects and the spell and changed the conditions to HasKeyword that my objects have. Except it doesn't work. As soon as i change the conditions back to their original set the spell works fine, for actors.

Could it be that the Detect Life archetype is hardcoded to work only on actors, or am i doing something wrong? Has anyone got this working before?

I could go the really long way round for what i want to do, but a detect life spell would be absolutely ideal and save a lot of overhead.

Thanks for the help :)


For reference the objects im trying to get working are furniture and activator objects. And the "long way round" would involve scripting the object to play a shader effect when enabled or something along those lines :) Which is possible, just not clean.
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Scott Clemmons
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