I'm not sure what conditions I would add.
I have managed to get the script to compile and I've added a function (thank you JustinOther!)
Scriptname aaaLoopScene extends Quest Int Property p Auto ReferenceAlias Property Marker Auto Scene Property InnScene Auto Function StartLoop() If (getstage() ==40) RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) EndIfEndFunction Event OnUpdate() If (game.getplayer().GetDistance(Marker.GetRef()) >=150) p=1 Else RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) If (game.getplayer().GetDistance(Marker.GetRef()) <=50 && p==1) p=0 InnScene.Start() Endif EndIFEndEvent
I am hoping that with this script at the end of the InnScene (which has already played) if the player stays near the marker nothing will happen, but if the player walks away from the marker and decides to go back to the marker the scene will play again?