Player has to wait for an actor between the hours of 4 and 6am. Only then does the actor appear - that's all scripted and works. I thought I'd add a simple debug.notification that will display outside of these hours to tell the player to return later. Script compiles but there must be a logic error I can't spot because I get no message and yes I set game hour and setstage the quest before testing. Help appreciated.
Quest Property MyQuest AutoInt Property PreReqStage AutoGlobalVariable Property GameHour AutoActor Property PlayerRef AutoEvent OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == PlayerRef Float fTime = GameHour.GetValue()If MyQuest.GetStage() == PreReqStage If fTime < 4.0 && fTime > 6.0 ;show messagedebug.notification("Return between the hours of four and six in the morning.") Else EndIfEndifEndifEndEvent